Mar 04, 2012 16:15
How should I start this? I think I have a lot to say... Yay?
My Dad came back from Pakistan on Friday. It was supposed to be Thursday but the flight got cancelled for an electrical reason or something. Anywho... that meant I had an extra day in my parent's bed XD. So comfy. But I got a new mattress so that's good. Except it's a bit... wibbly-wobbly at the moment. Just needs getting used to. He brings back money that's been earnt from the land, let's me count it, I take out the money my Dad owes me for my GCSEs and then he's all like "That's not your money, I have to spend it elsewhere". Two YEARS. Two years since my GCSEs and he's been over in that country 3 times. He's had plenty of time to pay me. I need to buy a laptop for uni with that money. Of course I want a Mac but for me to afford it, I need to turn back time, do 3 extra GCSEs and get A*s in all of them. So I'll have to settle for a PC. One day.
CHAIN arrived! MY friends gave it to me on Wednesday but we spent about a couple of minutes popping bubbles in the bubble wrap XD. Then I opened it all up and they noticed the song "Dangerous Cat - Make me Wet -". How fun it was trying to explain it to them. I had no explanation. Even listening to it I can't find an explanation. It's definitely not as good as "Make you Wet". Reminds me a bit of BritAsia. Actually, it reminds me too much of BritAsia. I really like "ONE DAY", "Hodoukyou" and Ueda's solo. I haven't got past Hodoukyou yet, so I don't how soldier is ^^". So, yes, that was a nice surprise.
I went on a History trip on Thursday. It was to a conference on the French Revolution, especially for students studying it for A-Level. That was really informative. Afterwards, because we were in Camden Town, I went to buy laces and the later that night, when I was putting them through my converses, my Mum was saying that it didn't look right and stuff like that. But when I went into school the next day my friends liked them, so I was to my Mum "My friends approve of me!". That was such a laugh. ^v^
I went on a Million Women Rise march against male violence yesterday with two of my friends. I'm actually anti-Feminist, but I'm also kind of anti-violence (I agree with war to an extent so I'm not a pacifist) so I believe that campaigning against a greater evil is a better use of my efforts that creating more divisions within society. I found it really enlightening. And the Hare Krishna people were giving out food for lunch and it was beautiful. It's weird how I'll gladly accept dahl from strangers but never from my own mother. The result of the history trip and this march was... finding that I'd gained 2 lbs. I love how my Weightwatchers leader wasn't too bothered about it. I think after uni she'll be harder on me.
Results day is one Thursday and I'm quite scared. For some reason, I told my parents when it was. The feeling after the exams was that the questions were really good, and I answered them well. But I could have done better. For some reason I didn't. I don't really want to retake a retake but if the only way for me to get the mark that I wanted is to do that, then I'll have to do that, won't I? Wish for the best, anyway!
I'll do my homework after I watch Shokura. On a similar note, I have to say I like "Ai Texas". It sounds a bit like the Tetris theme but that doesn't matter and the PV preview with the "wind" in his hair made him look really good. I think YamaP's a good singer. There. I said it. But let me explain myself. YamaP doesn't have a good voice. But he's able to manipulate his voice to create a desired effect. Or an effect that I desire XD. Therefore, YamaP IS a good singer. I think the same goes for Nakazawa Yuuko and Michishige Sayumi. I was going to add Fujimoto Miki but her voice isn't bad.
OMG!!!! SOLDIER IS AMAZING!!!!!!! Beautiful!
... Is there an extra song? Am I bit late or something? ^^"
je: yamap,
rl: friends,
je: kat-tun,
rl: family,
hp: elders,
rl: school,
hp: morning musume