Jan 29, 2005 20:01
i am having such a crappy day!
i had to stay at this stuoid sports day thing from 11 to 3 today and i had nothing to do from 1 to 3!
i was so bored... so tired.... and so ready to just go home....
when i did go home...
it was still hell!
cuz my bro had 3 of his friends over....
it was okay at first...
but then i fell asleep cuz i was so tired from getting up earlier than normal on sat....
but after i was in a deep sleep...
they started banging the freaking drums as loud as they could...
so i wanted to shoot someone!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
so i made them stop so i could sleep again...
but it didnt help much ...
cuz then they went to just yelling and laughing at the top of their lungs!
so yet again i could not sleep....
and then...
i woke up and went to the kitchen...
to find that my mom supposedly "made me MY spagetti".... but she knows that i hate it when the sauce is already mixed into the spagetti... cuz i only like a lil bit of sauce....
but NOOOOO she made it with the sauce in it! WTH?!?!
Why did she make it "for me" the way that i hate it>?
well i sure dont know... so im also pissed at her for that.... cuz i really was in the mood for spagetti... but she seemed to ruin that!
and now... it 8 and the 3 boys havent gone home yet....
why havent they? hmmm... i dont know... but they need to!
i am not going to be able to deal with all 3 of them spending the night!!!!
i want to slam a thousand doors right now!