3. And Rot he Did.

Jan 21, 2011 22:25

Title: And Rot He Did.
Author: xxx_antipop 
Genre: Angst/Depression/Whatever...I don't really know what to categorize this as.
Ratings: PG-13 (language)
Type: Drabble-ish thing.
Summary: Kain felt no desire to wake up.

oh my. super angsty story we've got here. i wonder where this came from.

Kain sat in front of his computer, his hands frozen on the keyboard.
He switched from his writing program to his web browser and started switching between research websites and entertainment sites. There was nothing entertaining. Nothing he wanted to do.
He checked his messenger to see if anyone was online.
He forgot that his list was empty.

He groaned and leaned back into his seat.

There was nothing to cease this annoying feeling in his mind. There was nothing to cease this lonely feeling in his heart.

- - -
Kain almost didn’t wake up that morning. He felt no desire to wake up. He felt no desire to go to school and see his so called “friends”. He had no desire to see people. Especially people he hated. He didn’t even finish his homework assignment.

The teacher called Kain up to her desk.
“Why didn’t you do your homework, Kain? You’re normally such a great student…” Kain stood quiet for a moment.
“I’m fucking sick of it.”
His teacher was quiet. Kain walked back to his desk. Back to being surrounded by the people he hated.

- - -
Kain didn’t eat.
He wasn’t hungry.
He just walked straight to the furthest corner of the grass area and plugged his earphones in. He wanted to drown out the whole world.
His “friends” didn’t even worry about where he was or what he was doing. That was expected.

- - -
The last school bell of the day rang.
Kain walked home with a blank face.
His parents greeted him. He had no desire to say anything back though.
His father yelled at him for being disrespectful. His mother complained how he had changed so much. That she missed her “sweet Kain”.
He went straight up to his room and locked the door.
He went straight to bed.

- - -
The same routine was repeated.
And repeated.
And repeated.

- - -

The weekend finally came. Kain stayed in his bed.
He felt no desire to get up.
He ignored his mother’s breakfast call.
His mother couldn’t go into his room because it was locked.
She yelled at him.

- - -

Kain didn’t get out of bed anymore.
He had no desire to get up.
No desire to be a good student anymore.
No desire to work hard for a good future anymore.
No desire to see the outside world.
He wanted to rot away and die.
And Kain did exactly so.

“I’m fucking sick of everything.”

writing, short story, drabble, original

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