C'MON, MAN!!!!!!!!!! I know that my favourite game is BASEBALL, but I Just CAN'T stand cheering all the game...I get all nervous and...shit! I love Japan. I REALLY love Japan. But MAN, THEY'RE TOO BAD!!!! TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!! The guy jus...tripped on the ball ALL ALONE, three times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He almost...ate the grass!
That's why I was cheering Brazil.
Brazil rocks.
Brazil humiliate my country but... THEY HAVE ROBERTO CARLOS and RONALDO!!! And yeah.... *runs to not being hitted by the rest of the country, whispering and waving a green and yellow flag*....Brazil...oôôô......
ANYHOO...*eats chocolate fondue with strawberries* I'm calmer now........................... *nods* yes, I am.
And I'm sleepy.
Yes, I am.
And Jack..... I swear..... gsdghb
RUKI: YOU'RE A FUCKING TRAITOR, AOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*KICKS HIM ON THE BED UNTIL THE VERY END* That's why I love sharing a room with you.............*puts Kei outside and comes back* GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, JAPAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd rather to see a golf match, BUT GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!*falls over the bed and Aoi and the laptop*
Ruki................................................................................ you're hurting my arm........................... our bed is huge enough, you know???............................... *dies* BUT JACK!!!!!!!!!! I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RUKI: WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! WE'RE GOIGN FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*grabsthe fishing shit and kisses alma, dragging Aoi away* BUT WE HAVE ONLY THE MOOOOOOOOUNTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH I'm sleepy....................................................
*grins* Let's go to my favourite part of the movie............
[EDIT by Ruki]
Takeeeeeeeeeeeeo likes soccer!!!