Nov 01, 2004 21:22
Hmm. I am very confused. It really sucks.
For whatever reason, I feel myself getting closer to Roger. I don't really know why. Maybe it's because he sort of reminds me of Aaron, and I haven't seen Aaron in a long time. I really miss him, so maybe i'm just trying to replace him with another friend who is similar to him personality-wise?
I really don't know, but I suppose all is good. I think I should call Aaron. I don't know if I will though, because I'm afraid that I'll bother him. The last few times I've called, he's had friends over or been doing something. I suppose I'm just jealous and a little pissed off that he doesn't have time for me anymore. I thought he was one of my best friends, but maybe I was wrong. I've been wrong before on many occasions (MARIA! OUR AARON IS SLIPPING AWAY FROM MEE! NOOO!!).
Today i've been experiencing some sort of hormonal imbalance or something. One minute I was happy and laughing, then the next I was about to cry. *shrugs* I'm prolly just tired. I should sleep.
Yesh. I'll go sleep. That's what I'll do. Maybe i'll feel better in the morning.