Jun 02, 2006 02:16
man. May has been crazy.
i've been at camp alot. and loving it. (working group events - doing challenge course activities and other programs, a youth respite weekend, spring camp, and more group events)
for this past week we held camp barefoot.
barefoot is a camp for all campers with tramautic brain injuries. they are all there cognitively, but have had serious closed head injuries.
it was the most amazing week ever.
i had so much fun and fell in love with so many people.
yet at the same time it was very demanding, stressful, and emotionally draining.
hearing all the stories from people about what happened to them was really difficult. but at the same time it was amazing to be able to see them recognizie their abilities at this point in their life and see them do the things they are able to do at camp.
i had about 4 hrs of sleep every night and then going going going non stop all day, every day.... and making sure to constantly keep up a smile and poisitve attitude (which wasnt very hard because the people there made it hard not to smile).
and being a new lead counselor for a week like this was very demanding and dealing with the transition got to be a little difficult, but i got on top of it and think i did pretty well.
but i really wish they (the same campers) could stay all the time or come more often or something because i dont know if i could deal with a whole year until i see them again.
they all touched my heart in a different way every day and i will never forget the experience or the interactions i had this past week.
i could go on with stories forever, but ill save you the time. but if u want to hear, just ask.
(*i am not gonna lie. im impressed with myself that I was able to lift and do really good transfers with grown men around 180 lbs or so all on my own. yeah i got muscles what what!. haha)