May 05, 2004 00:01
okay, i havent updated in a while.. so here i go.
alright starting friday.. i went out to eat with amanda and her friends, then i went to the fair, satruday i worked 12-5 then i went to the fair, after my mom had found my cigarettes yeah.. we got caught with alcohol at the fair, but they didnt do anything, well I wasn't holding a bottle so woo.. but they still didnt do anything, then tom wanted to win this booth and $25 later he won a bear which i now have, oopsay.. oh well.. he raped it many times .. lets see and we sat around at the gazebo while me and the bear were raped, i got rid of my evidence, and i got to play with todds metal balls, hah. yeah... and i attempted to ride a skateboard.. i suck lol but thats okay yeah.. alex came and we all went to finas house to get her and after everyone went home me and fina walked around until 11:30 and got picked up
sunday i went to my cousins birthday party, but my older cousin who was there told me about chris, and i felt really bad for him because that was one of his really good friends.. although i didnt know him well, ive only talked to him once maybe twice in my life.. which i had to think about it to remember, i feel really bad for my cousin and tomorrow he wanted me to go with him to the mass during school, but theres no point in me going.. i didnt know him well at all, wow okay anyway although i didnt know him really well, chris versace 5-1-04.., of what i did know when i talked to him he was really cool and he was nice.
enough of that now.. lets see last night most amazing concert EVER i sware it was so amazing, Something Corporate was just.. amazing thats like the only word for it.. i thought MCR was really good but this like blew me away.. i have pictures, i will post them just so great they played so many kick ass songs and when they played Konstantine, it made my fucking year, you have no idea i have this over joy of even thinking about that concert.. just fucking awesome i HAVE to see them again because SoCo is fucking great in concert..
.. okay..