Dec 30, 2004 19:29
<.::**Well...let's see ...X-MAS was one of the sweetest days ever ;)...... I got to spend the WHOLE day with <3SeaN<3 ...and we took the presents i got for him over to his house and we opened presents together there...he got me the cutest things ... i got a bear from build a bear ;)..and then he made the cutest calender ever 4 me ...throughout the whole things its pictures of me and him (baby-to now)... it was so sweet...But the best part of X-MaS is that ...i was with him..i mean ok im with him like everyday but ..x-mas was Mad hott! PLUS.. i was happy to know that he really liked his presents too! :) HaHa ... i just remembered ...1 of his presents was a MATIX belt and a shirt...and Mike told me he was gonna jack the belt from sean lol... SO MIKE ... i might just have to go buy you one!! ;)**::.>
<**.::Anyways...this whole week has been crazy .. and now ...its REAL f'd up!! ...The first 2 days of this week were awesome...cus i got to have my *BaBy* 2 sleep on....then yesturday (wensday)... i was gonna call my lil sis rhonda to see if she wanted to come and stay at my house ...cus she was supposed to a few nights b4...and at first it was all cool...i was gonna have sean and her stay over...well since sean was at work .. me and my mom just went and picked up rhonda at her best friend Ashley's house..and rhonda's mom told me as soon as rhonda gets in the car have her call her ( we figured just cus donna is always weird about where rhonda stays the nite at..) so when she got in the car she called her and ... rhondas asking her ifits totally cool that she stays with me and her moms all "yea...Rhonda i really think shannon would be the best person there for you to talk to tonight." and rhondas all "yea i always talk to her shes my big sis i can tell her anything.." then rhonda got real quiet for a minute...and i hear " what's wrong with your heart?".. thats where it all started...To break it down nice and easy 4 ya...her mama donna's heart i under alot of stress like REAL bad.. and she broke her shoulder (4 out of the 7 dics in her neck are pinching the nerve in her spinal cord) shes been dealen with bitch ass doctors since may... well she finally founf out she can get in for the surgery in january.. so donna went into the doc today for a PREOP ( Blood work , cardiac stress tests..xrays all that) The doctor told her that her heart wasnt sounding right and that basically she has to wait a few days to get the cardiac stress test results back in.. he said if she doesnt pass the test ..and then she goes in for surgery she Will have NO chance at all of making it through the surgery....So we are all Praying for the best..i know shell be fine ...but thats why rhonda stayed with me last night and im gonna be with her all night tonight is cus she's having a Real HARD time with it...It kills me 2 see her like this but...its the best i can do..and i would do it for anyone in that family anyday they needed me..:) ::.**>
.::<**The ONLY thing that sux about all of this is that...i dont get sean to sleep over tonight...and now instead of him working on his car tonight..he couldnt find the right parts today so .. i guess they have to work on the car Saturday instead which means ..our plans for being together on NeW YearS is shot ...cus friday night he wont have a car :(...I'm actually a lil more upset about it then i normally would be..just cus he's the only person i really would wanna hang out with on NeW YearS....i mean come on its your Boyfriend! But i guess ill just have to wait to see him on sat or sunday...DAMN thats shitty :/...**>::.
<.::**I won't complain though for a holiday month i got all i needed (SeaN) and then some...geez that kid means SOOO much more to me then anything i had b4 this:)...and i know it goes the same way for him so there's no reason for me 2 not be happy ;)He's the best!! And then also for X-MaS i got to have my sister from wyoming and her husband come down here and stay with us for 10 days...HONESTLY.... i could have got absolutly NO PRESENTS... and with sean my sis (that i havent seen in 3 1/2 yrs) and her husband kevin was more then i could have asked for...I think while my sister was down here was the first time i saw my mama REALLY happy...EVERYDAY that they were down here she was...and then she cried when my sister and kevin were leaving and she had me crying and i gave my sister a hug and they walked out the door to go get in their truck...and i knew they hadnt left yet (after 3 mins.) so i told my mom i wanted to go give her another hug and so i ran out there ....And i have never seen my sister cry when it comes to leaving us or us leaving them after visiting...and when i walked up 2 her i told her to stay longer...and started crying.. and she started balling..and she told me that i need to spend more time and treat mom WAY better then i do now...and 4 once in my life i actually think it hit me (that i did treat my mom pretty crappy) even though sean was telling me to change how i treated her the whole time... and ever since my sis said that to me ... me and my mama have been sooo much closer!! and i wouldnt trade our relationship for anything ever again ... i finally got it back :)**::.>
<**.::Well.... rhondas back now from talking to her brother shane.. so im going to go...::.**>
<--*::*Sean Baby I Love You 2 peices u know that!*::*---->
<-*.::.*->XoXo ShAnNoN<-*.::.*->