12.01.07 - Are you hot mama?

Dec 01, 2007 14:43

I know. I know. It's been FOREVER. I'm sorry.

I started my internship for school. I'm going every Monday and Tuesday to a Family Practice - located right next to the hospital so anyone following my car thinks I need to go to the ER A LOT. I work from 8am to 4pm. That's right. Eight hours. On my feet. Dealing with patients who'd rather tell you that you know nothing. It's awesome.

In all honesty, I don't mind it too much. I call the patients back from the waiting room, get their weight and sometimes their height, get their temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure, and then I ask them why they're here to see the doctor. And then sometimes I have to ask feeder questions because "I don't feel good" doesn't really give the Doc much to go on. And then I run out of the room and get the next one set up.

Sometimes I get to go in while the doctor's doing a procedure. I've seen two paps (which was thrilling, believe me), a mole being removed, and a wound culture - which had to be the most awesome because it was pretty nasty. I've also given injections, runs a few EKGs, and set up two nebulizers.

And then, if there are no patients to set up, I get to call patients at home and let them know that their refills were faxed to the pharmacy, or their test results were abnormal, or their excuse note for school is at the front desk.

All in all, it's busy. And I come home so exhausted I only manage to stay awake until 9:30pm.

When I'm NOT working, I'm reading like a maniac, Christmas shopping, or playing my XBOX 360. I'm addicted to Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. I already beat it on easy, now I'm going back through on normal. I have all but ONE character unlocked - and I don't have that many more achievements to do. We'll see.

Speaking of Christmas shopping, here's the list of what I bought everyone. Excluding Erin, since she's the only person who's getting something from me who actually reads this.

01. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the PC
02. A pretty blue wireless XBOX 360 controller
04. A 2008 Akita calendar
05. Deadwood seasons one, two, and three on DVD

And for his stocking, we got him a jar of almonds, a random PC strategy game, a chocolate bar and the new Avenged Sevenfold CD (which is actually titled "Avenged Sevenfold")

01. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for the XBOX 360 (plus the wireless guitar controller)
02. A fluffy white robe from Bath & Body Works
03. A pair of flannel PJs plus matching slippers from Victoria's Secret
04. A pair of UGGs - these ones to be exact, in black.
05. Guitar Hero II for the XBOX 360 (just the game)

And for her stocking we got her a pair of fluffy white socks from Bath & Body Works, a chocolate bar, the new Duran Duran CD (titled "Red Carpet Massacre") and the Nick Swardson CD/DVD.

01. Rock Band for the XBOX 360 (the bundle that comes with all the instruments)
02. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the XBOX 360
03. OZ seasons 1-4 on DVD.
04. The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien; in hardback.

For his stocking, we got him two pairs of black Under Armor boxer-style underwear, Arrested Development season 3 on DVD, a chocolate bar, and a black T-shirt that says: /* No Comment */.

01. A digital photo key chain.
02. This necklace in sterling silver.
03. Titanic on DVD - because she wanted it so much she put it on my brother's amazon.com wish list.

For her stocking, we grabbed a chocolate bar, pink fuzzy socks from Bath & Bodyworks, two peppermint scented bath fizzies from Bath & Bodyworks, a little ornament filled with vanilla bubble bath from Bath & Bodyworks, and a shirt from Old Navy that says: You, Me, and the Mistletoe.

01. Pathfinder on DVD, the unrated version.
02. Crackdown for the XBOX 360.
03. Band of Brothers on DVD.

For his stocking, we snagged a chocolate bar, a 1 lb bag of Red Vines, and a blue shirt that has the Intel symbol on it, but instead of saying "Intel Inside", it says: Geek Inside.

I got him...
01. A pair of slippers. Only because he told me he wanted them. So he'll get to open them on the 27th, when we do Christmas with his family.
02. Six pairs of boxers because he needs them.
03. Kindergarten Cop on DVD.
04. Conan: The Complete Quest on DVD - comes with Conan: The Barbarian and Conan: The Destroyer.
05. Eraser on DVD.
06. Last Action Hero on DVD.

My parents got him...
01. The Gunslinger Born (The Dark Tower Graphic Novel) by Peter David, Stephen King, Robin Furth, and Jae Lee. If he stays the night on the 31st, this is the one he gets to open then.
02. A range bag - so he has something to carry his pistol, ammo, and targets in.
03. Targets for the shooting range.
04. A rifle bag for his rifle.

For his stocking, he's getting a chocolate bar, a box of Milk Duds, a "game taste" of Taboo, and this shirt.

I also had to buy for Sean's family. I bought his Mom an oil lamp that's been crafted to look like Santa. She's really into those kinds of crafts - Mom picked it up for me at a craft fair. I made his Dad a lovely coffee basket. The basket itself if a nice dark color, and then I stuffed it full with a bag of Starbucks Christmas Blend coffee, a bag of Starbucks Anniversary Blend coffee, a bag of Starbucks Italian Roast coffee, 3 boxes of different flavored biscotti (I honestly can't remember what the flavors are), a can of Ghirardelli hot cocoa, 10 packs of Doublemint gum (his favorite), and a travel coffee mug/thermos that I grabbed at Harris Teeter.

For his brother, I got a bag of Starbucks Christmas Blend coffee, a can of Ghirardelli hot cocoa, and a Starbucks travel mug. For his sister-in-law, I got this adorable teapot & mug set that's been painted on kind of like Polish pottery, but it has the Star of David on it. Then I also grabbed two books for Matt & Laura to share - since they just bought a puppy (he was Laura's Hanukkah present). I got them The Well Dog Book: The Classic Comprehensive Handbook of Dog Care by Terri McGinnis and How to Raise a Jewish Dog by Rabbis of Boca Raton Theological Seminary, Barbara Davilman, and Ellis Weiner.
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