06.11.07 - there is no line that you can't step right over

Jun 11, 2007 22:42

Stole this from xxpap3r_cran3s.

Six ships you like, in no ranking order (past and present):
01. Spike/Buffy [Buffy: the Vampire Slayer]
02. Mal/Inara [Firefly]
03. Booth/Brennan [Bones]
04. Denny/Izzie [Grey's Anatomy]
05. Michael/Sara [Prison Break]
06. Sayid/Shannon [Lost]

Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:
07. Doyle/Cordelia [Angel]
08. Lincoln/Veronica [Prison Break]
09. Peter/Simone [Heroes]

Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:
10. Willow/Kennedy [Buffy: the Vampire Slayer]
11. George/Izzie [Grey's Anatomy]
12. Logan/Rory [Gilmore Girls]

Two ships you are curious about, but haven't actually started shipping:
13. Jayne/Kaylee [Firefly]
14. House/Wilson [House]

15. Why do you dislike #11 - George/Izzie [Grey's Anatomy] - so much?
George and Izzie were best friends. They had this very sweet, very intimate, very platonic relationship that I loved. Izzie fell for Denny and lost him - which takes some recooperating time. George fell for Callie and married her. And even though their relationship is...torrid, I never felt it was really within George's limits as a character to cheat, especially with Izzie. So, the infidelity bothers me. But it also bothers me that suddenly she's in love with George. How can she forget Denny so quickly?

16. Who is someone you know that ships #13 - Jayne/Kaylee [Firefly]?
I don't actually know someone who does. If I do know someone, I don't know that they ship them. If that makes sense.

17. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 - Booth/Brennan [Bones] - (even if the show isn't on the air anymore)?
I want them to drag the interest out. Booth and Brennan's chemistry is amazing. And their denial over the fact that they have feelings for each other is part of what keeps the show so compelling. When they're on screen together, I can feel the sexual tension. I love that. I'd love for some life-or-death situation to force them to realize how they feel, but I don't want it to be too soon.

18. Which is your favorite episode for #1 - Spike/Buffy [Buffy: the Vampire Slayer]? Try to pick just one, if you can.
"Something Blue" - which was way before they got together for real. It was season four, and they started "seeing each other" in season six. However, "Something Blue" was that foreshadowing that Joss loves to tease us with. Which drove me crazy because I was a shipper way back then and had to wait two more seasons for it to happen, but it thrilled me, too. But really, every episode they're together thrills me.

19. How long have you been following couple #6 - Sayid/Shannon [Lost]?
I was a shipper for them the second Sayid asked Shannon to help him decipher his maps. And I still think she was The One for him (screw Nadia), even though she's dead. And, mind you, I love that he's respectfully grieving for her instead of sleeping with someone new. He totally could, you know. He's that sexy.

20. What's the story with #8 - Licoln/Veronica [Prison Break]? What made you stop liking them/caring?
The fact that Veronica's dead had a lot to do with it. Also, I started to like Nick/Veronica a little more. They had a ton of chemistry that I didn't see with Linc/Veronica. They were sweet and made me mushy, but I kept thinking Nick and Veronica were going to suck face at any given moment.

21. Which ship do you prefer- #2 Mal/Inara [Firefly] or #4 Denny/Izzie [Grey's Anatomy]?
You guys are jerks. I'm going to say Denny/Izzie. BUT ONLY because they were actually a couple. They were getting married. Most of Mal/Inara's romance has taken place in my head. They belong together, but they're too stubborn to get to it. In the show AND in the movie. Talk about frustrating.

22. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 - Willow/Kennedy [Buffy: the Vampire Slayer] - or #12 - Logan/Rory [Gilmore Girls].
As much as I hate Logan/Rory, I'm going with Willow/Kennedy on this one. Why? Because I felt it was entirely out of Willow's character to fall for Kennedy. Let's recap: Willow was completely heterosexual. She loved Xander, then Oz. It was very, very simple. Until she met Tara. And even when she did meet Tara, she didn't drop everything and become a lesbian. It didn't work like that for her. She fell in love with Tara before anything got physical and her sexual orientation changed. That being said: I never really considered Willow a tried and true lesbian. Thus, after Tara died, Willow shouldn't have rushed into any other relationship - much less one with a woman. If anything, she should have regressed to her feelings for Xander again.

23. What interests you about #14 - House/Wilson [House]?
They act like an old married couple. Their friendship is so strong and has survived next to everything (granted, this is because Wilson secretly likes being abused). I think it's interesting to think about their relationship in more than just a platonic nature, but House is so uber masculine and could have his pick of women (Yeah, let's face it. They'd all do him). I have a hard time seeing him as gay. And even if this did happen to morph into something romantic, Wilson would get his heart broken and House would lose his only friend.

24. When did you stop liking #7 - Doyle/Cordelia [Angel]?
After Doyle died, I held onto that ship for awhile. I tried to fight the Angel/Cordy tones the show was taking, but as their relationship evolved and their chemistry really started to show, I forgot about how adorable Doyle's admiration od Cordy was. And, in a way, Angel had that same adoration - he just hid it better.

25. Did your waning interest in #9 - Peter/Simone [Heroes] - kill your interest in the show?
No. The show doesn't revolve around couples or triangles, so that helped out. It also helped that they killed Simone off. But, like I said, the show doesn't really focus on these relationships as much as it does on who's connected to whom, and what powers each person possesses.

26. What's a song that reminds you of #5 - Michael/Sara [Prison Break]?
"Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol comes to mind because Erin played it for me, squealing about how it was so Michael and Sara's song. However, if I had to pick one all by my lonesome, I'd go with "Cold As You" by Taylor Swift. Although, I should point out that Erin has that on her Michael/Sara playlist (one of them), too.

27. Which of these ships do you love the most?
It is a very, very, very close tie between Mal/Inara and Booth/Brennan. Don't get me wrong, Michael/Sara were in the running, but they don't really start getting together until season two and I don't have that to watch over and over, so I haven't been quite as affected by them as some people I know. The other two couples...yeah, they're under my skin. Mal/Inara have this twisted, complicated, stubborn streak to them that drives me crazy - in the good and bad ways. And I fall more and more in love with them the more I watch Firefly and Serenity. (I'd have more fic about them if I felt like I could write them half as well as I write Kaylee/Simon). However, Booth/Brennan have that connection that just seems real. Even when you just look at the actors. Seriously. Nathan Fillion I can see with other actresses romantically and it doesn't make me feel like I want to sob because he's cheating on Morena Baccarin. However, I see David Boreanaz with another actress (or his wife) and I want to die because he's so cheating on Emily Deschanel. So, while I love Mal/Inara - and I always will - their lack of real intimacy with each other and Nathan and Morena's lack of becoming the best of friends for real (not that they're unfriendly; they're just not attached at the hip like David and Emily) has made me go with Booth/Brennan.

28. Which do you dislike the most?
Willow/Kennedy. Followed closely by Logan/Rory and George/Izzie. This is all a close call because I don't use the word "hate" lightly. And I hate all three of the ships I listed. Like I said, though, I think the Willow/Kennedy ship went the furthest out of reality. Logan/Rory was perfectly plausible, I just hated Logan's guts with a fiery passion that burns deep in my soul. Jess was the only guy ever right for Rory - so I can't say that I would have liked any guy who came after him. Although, I did like entertaining the idea of Marty/Rory for awhile. And I've already stated my problems with George/Izzie.

29. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (Even better if they're from different shows)
Booth/Brennan and Michael/Sara. Michael and Brennan would be bouncing off each other with the intellectual talk. Not that Booth and Sara can't take part, but, let's face it: Michael and Brennan are on genius level and Booth and Sara are just bright. They'd play well off each other, and they're all so pretty. Who wouldn't want to see them on a double date?

30. Have #2 - Mal/Inara [Firefly] - kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
Inara kissed him when he was unconcious, but Mal has no idea that she's ever kissed him. So, technically, they haven't. Which makes me want to cry.

31. Did #4 - Denny/Izzie [Grey's Anatomy] - have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
No, they didn't. Denny "tricked" Izzie into saying she'd marry him (his words, not mine). And not even a day later, he died. A clot after a heart transplant went perfectly. And Izzie was devastated.

32. What would make you start shipping #13 - Jayne/Kaylee [Firefly]?
I'm not sure. I love Kaylee/Simon so much (and didn't list them because I love too many ships from the same shows, I tried to diversify) that the idea of Kaylee without Simon and Simon without Kaylee makes me sad. However, I don't mind the idea of Jayne and Kaylee if I set the time frame before Simon and River showed up on Serenity. I don't think it's possible for me to fully jump on that bandwagon.

33. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 Mal/Inara [Firefly] or #6 Sayid/Shannon [Lost]?
A) You people are bastards, and B) I'd pick Mal and Inara. Sayid and Shannon had their time together. He helped her grow and mature and really changed her into the person she was meant to be Her story got tied up in a neat little bow and while I hate that she died and Sayid's alone, she did get all her issues addressed and fixed. And there's something beautiful about Sayid mourning for her. Mal and Inara haven't gotten to be together at all. Something is always in the way and they're both too stubborn to admit the way they feel. Plus, they're both still alive (or they would be if FOX wasn't the devil).

34. You have the power to decide the fate of #10 - Willow/Kennedy [Buffy: the Vampire Slayer]. What happens to them?
Kennedy gets strangled to death by Tara's ghost. Willow moves on and falls madly in love with Xander again. Who, maybe, decides he loves her back now that Anya's dead (*sniffle*).
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