Title: One Moment to the Next
Category: Short scene
Word Count: 2,065
Fandom: Firefly - Sushi!verse
Timeline: Deleted scene from
“The ‘Rithmetic of Love”Characters: Mal & Simon
Pairings: Mal/Inara and Simon/Kaylee
Rating: PG
Warning: Lots of stern talking-tos and fluff that may rot your brains.
Disclaimer: Joss is boss. terimaru owns the fishies (and we all worship her for it).
Summary: It takes a talk with Mal for Simon to find the courage he needs.
Author’s Notes: Written for
terimaru because she wanted to see it. Beta & quote (and kind of the title since I got the title from the quote...) by
terimaru (see? This is why we worship).
( One Moment to the Next )