Jun 06, 2005 19:35
mkay! 2day was my 1st day volunterringing at yougn at art! it effin rocked! lol. so i got there and helped roll out clay and then i worked the floor. it was kinda fun i guess i heled lil girls make dolls. then these guy showed up. one was kinda cute, the other not at all. then i talked to the cute one, then i met up wit tina for lunch. then i came bak and evry 1 else left for lunch and i had 2 work the floor as the only volunteer. it was scry. so then after wat seemed like a bagillion hours the guyz came bak from lunch and i talked wit them. this one guy jared was all like is ur name it 2 m's or 1 and is it wit an i or a y he was soo retarded and teh other 1's were cool tho. tehn tina came and i was liek tina! lol then i am like this is tina wit 2 i's and jared was like tiina? and she was like no tinia! lol it was sooo efin funni then we all chilled and tina had 2 go bak 2 camp so we chilled a lil longer till we got yelled at by some lady to help the kids so we did that for about a minuted then i got a beatiful bracelette from jared(not really) and i can;t get it off oh well. then tina was done wit camp so we all chilled. then dane was like wen r yall staying 2 and we r like uh 5? and we had 2 wait for him 2 find us sumthin 2do and then we were hanging out wit those guys again and they r all like hey we r havin a party wanna come? and me and itna looka t each other and r like uh.... no! it was so funni and then yea i forget
but i came home and eat and passed out and here i am! lol still tired i need 2 sleep more!