I'm extremely excited to leave my parents house.
The evening I arrived, it started snowing. Their jerk dog, White Cloud (not his real name, just his Daniel Day Lewis name, as given by me) woke my ass up at like 6a. That kinda blew. But it also began to suck when we stepped outside into about 8" of snow. It kept right on dumping through the day, and night, and into this am. My mom woke me up and forced a shovel into my hands, and sent me off minus caffeine to go dig the stairs out of the 6 foot snow drifts. We had anywhere from 3-6 feet in the streets, depending on the And here's the great part: they didn't send plows onto the island until today, and the plow didn't come to us til oh...an hour ago.
So I've got a mighty big case of cabin fever. Thank god for American Dad. Roger always makes me feel better. Howard TV downloads also eased my burden. (That boring as hell Jets game I watched with my dad and uncle just increased the ennui. I'm still pissed about that Raiders game earlier in the season.)