(no subject)

Jun 11, 2006 23:15

Okay.... so a post!! this will contain ten millions of links and pictures because I have not posted for a very long time! wooow looking back at my last post it was when I last visited Charle! Well.. I just visited her again XD
But so I don't use up ten millions of space, the entry is behind the cut. Also I met a sexy guy XD.

hrmmm were to start... I met a hot boy!!! well not really a boy XD. His name is Aaron and we have an insane amount in common! We both have piercings *drool*, listen to industrial (he actually knows who :Wumpscut: is!!), and watches anime, plays video games! But here are the crazy coincidences... his mom is from New Zealand, he grew up in PG, and his dad used to work at Duke Energy before he retired :O He is a cook at the Met (downtown Calgary). Pretty much the only thing we don't have in common is the strive to go to silly amounts of schooling. (Stamina = ten millions :O, apparently half kiwi is the way to go ;) also: biting & scratching = thumbs up!) Lip rings are the funest piercing EVER!!!

There he is!

Watch out or he will go Kung Fu on you (he used to be an instructor XD)

and me attacking him and he is being cute XD

So I met him May 27th. After a company soft ball game, Helen (a friend from CHBE) and I went to the Unicorn for some food and social drinking.. well we sat near the pool table and while Helen was in the bathroom Aaron walked by and I happened to blurt out "You have piercings!" we talked for a bit, he played some pool (left his drink by the table so he had to keep walking by, so cute XD) and then we talked a bit about the "goth" scene in Calgary, and then about music and anime and such! When the bar closed we were going to part but Helen met a cowboy... so I went to Aaron's place, met his roommate Ty, and his friend (I forgot his name again :( ). Well they were both drunk! and his roommate was impressed with my knowledge of anime XD.

But my b-day was June 8th! (I'm 22!!! :O). On wednesday night I had a dinner type thing, all the comp. geeks showed up XD (Chris, Dylan, Darko, Alex, & Sahir (shane and allison missed it :( )), Brock showed up! and the process eng. I work under (Max) showed up. Later I got people to watch Lost Skeleton of Cadavra! (Max, Alex, Brock & Darko).

Thursday I drove to Edmonton XD, drank beer thursday night. Friday, Charle and I went shopping (she got me the first family guy box set for my b-day!) and made lasagne for dinner! Went to suburbs with Josh. Drank lots more beer, had a couple of shots of 'bottle caps' I was sooo confused at first! dropping the shot glass into the cup with other stuffs... but it was sooo tasty! and Danced ten millions! Some old guy tried to talk to me early in the night with bad jokes.. and some matt guy talked to me at the end of the night...

Saturday I went to Calgary to meet up with Aaron XD we had traditional pizza at this fancy place (so good!), went to boston pizza for dinner (were he used to work), and some tasty breakfast place. He lives downtown so its super convenient going to tasty restaurants. We attempted to watch lost skeleton once, and got through most of it the second time (we both fell asleep) :P, watched Dracula, played some soul calibre on game cube (odd controls compared to PS) and watched most of Shawn of the Dead before he had to work.

The horrible thing that happened this weekend is that I got TWO speeding tickets!!!! on my way to calgary, and on my way home :( fucking cops! so this weekend is quite expensive including those and the gas and such :(

so... what have I done since May long... started hiking! last tuesday (June 6th) I went hiking up Elkford ski hill with some work peoples XD (All pics are taken from the top of the ski hill)

Here are the people I hiked with, Darko (such a silly guy), Brock (crazy in shape guy), Alex (likes anime :D), and Gord (just met that day so can't say anything!)

And here is the same pic except me instead of Brock

This is the hill we climbed! (we started at the rode lower than the house thingy there)

Here is a crazy looking bowl

And here is Line Creek! (where I work)

This pic is random.. but it is of a pretty tree on the way to the East from Bellevue..(along hwy 3 near alberta/bc border on alberta side)
Too bad it was raining and making wet spots on the windshield... but the sky is pretty XD

Okay... so sometimes when the litter box is too icky for sasha, she uses the bathtub... so I fill it with water.. and this is what happens when it is empty! Marcos goes crazy and rolls around in it XD

And that is Sasha thinking Marcos is most silly!

Silly thing - I was looking through old posts.. turns out 3 months before I moved to Elkford (8 months ago now?) I wanted to purchase this jacket
I ended up purchasing it last time I was in Edmonton (prior to this weekend) without knowing I was already thinking of getting it! silly me!

Okay... now that the pictures are done... here comes the ten millions of links!!! My opera browser needs to be emptied!
I really want the Dinosaur comic book!

I have been reading Sam & Fuzzy
I love cats but that's just hilarious!
Bugs in your face!
I like Fuzzy's version of hacky-sac

Now for some Wigu
very highschoolish but amusing

Sooo much CAD! (they have many more amusing ones.. but since it is part of a story posting one probably wouldn't make sense)
Watch porn?
Splinter cell was fun when I played it way back in the day :P
Silly x-box fanatics
This has happened to me too much... but sniping is fun!
I never played Savage, but so funny!
French toast in the crotch :O
WoW comic :P
Monkey in the pants
Not the fairies!
Poor Zeke
silly MMORPG's
Voluptuous concealment

Digital Devil Saga looks soooo good! (1 & 2)

And b/c pillzz is a thief! Here is some reposts (and new ones) of Look Around You (I love british humor!)
Brain *soooo funny!*
Man.. I haven't seen these for a while so now I can't remember what my favourites were anymore!

AFI-Miss Murder

Funny web site made by dinosaur comic guy

Some things that don't exist... some are really good! some are boring...


White ninja is pure genius!

Man was that a crazy long post!!!!

sam & fuzzy, white ninja, dinosaur comic book, devil saga, cad, look around you, aaron, wingu

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