Jun 12, 2006 21:14


Well. Summer in the wood. No matter how much I had feared this summer, I always seem to forget the magic this silly town has when the weather gets warm and everything is in bloom and the lake is full of children and boats.

I'm finally working. I'm surrounded by friends who are wonderful (although, I must say there are a select few from Purchase that I miss more than words.) Maybe sometime in the next few weeks I can find the time to have a relationship with someone wonderful. Maybe not, we'll see.

So I'm reading books at the rate of a leopard on speed. I'm reading Emma right now by Jane Austen. Its wondeful. I secretly (or not so much anymore) suspect that Clueless was based loosly on it.

Also, Anna read Gone with the Wind and love it, which is why she is my BFFFFFFFFF. Girl, we better watch the movie together, you'll need to hold my hand at the end because I tend to flip out a bit.

Alright, thats all I got.
Peace, love, and har-monnnnnny!
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