food for thought.

Mar 04, 2006 18:24

I feel better than I have in months. Confident, powerful, and intelligent.

Things I will try to never do again:
Listen to anything my mother says.
Not listen to everything my father says (he is the wisest man I have ever known.)
Doubt myself because of boys.
Pass out in a bathtub.
Be in a relationship because there is nothing better at the present time. (Patience IS a virtue.)
Wait three months to go out to lunch with Meg and Liz when they live 20 minutes away.

Things I will try to do:
Sing everyday. Especially in the shower. Especially when Steve tells me to shut up.
Dance, and I mean really really dance at least once a day.
Cry while I'm at Purchase. At least once.
Be myself without any forethought.
Understand fully and completely that its not me. It really is him.
Make a difference. Pick something that I want to change, for unselfish reasons, and try best best to change it.

Also, from now on I shall be working at Victoria's Secret!
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