You Can Take A Picture, Something You See...

Nov 27, 2005 01:45

So, let's update about the past week shall we? Well at least part of it. Well, Wednesday night me and Jay hung out a bit before going to Rams Horn. We were supposed to be up there at Midnight, but he ran into problems with Brittany, and I ran into problems with my Dad, that and my friend Sarah who lives in Canada called me. We got there, and Me, Jay, Brittany Grassi, Kyle, Stefani, Shannon, Kelly, Wayne and for a time Katie and Amanda chilled out for a while. We laughed, we ate, I got made fun of, we almost died. Yes. A drunk driver almost ran straight into the building. We were sitting like, at tables right next to booths at the window. And the people at the booths shook my chair and told me to get up quickly. And I didn't know why until I turned around to see a car right next to the building, stuck in the flower bed. Shannon took a picture. Which, as soon as I get that, and all pictures taken from that night, I will post them. Anyway's, we all left around 3:00. Me and Jay got back to my house, we opened the door, and we heard my Dad screaming like a maniac, so we just went back outside and sat in his truck for like an hour. Then we decided to go in, go straight upstairs, and go to sleep. Which is basically what we did.

Jay talks in his sleep. He was like "God Dammit Nikki get me my lighter back" I was like What Jay? He woke up and was like "What?" I was like What did you say? He's like I didn't say anything. I'm like, not consciously. He's like, exactly. Hahah. I guess he had a dream I gave away his good Zippo lighter to someone. Lol.

Anyway's, he woke up and left at like 9:00. I slept until like 2:00 And my Dad woke me up to come eat. My mom didn't eat with us because of my Dad. My grandma wasn't there, My Uncle George wasn't, My Aunt Kathy and Uncle Leonard, no one. I have a feeling Christmas is going to be the same way. We were supposed to go and take my Grandma some food, but we all fell asleep, and I worked at 5:00 until 8:30. I came home and...I forgot what I did. I think I went online. I worked yesterday from 12:00-6:00.

I then called Jay to see what he was up to, and I went over there like way after I planned, but of course my Dad made me take my mom to take him to the bar. So I was there and I told Brittany of my plans of moving to Canada. And she cried. I don't want to upset anyone, but I can't stand living in my house anymore. Why Canada? Well, I have a friend named Sarah, who lives there as I mentioned before. And she asked if I could come live with her, and her parents said yes. I won't have to pay rent (but if I go, I will anyway) and if wouldn't be as expensive as getting something here. College there is considerably cheaper. I can get a student loan for cheap, get a car, a computer, a cell phone plan, and a good job. I'll be set. I will have to get duel citizenship, but, that's not too difficult. If I do move there, which, I think I am going to, at least for a while, it won't be til after January 3rd. I can't take off of work until then. I don't want to be a total ass hole and go and quit in the middle of the busy season. Well actually, I can't go until the Winter Semester is over in....April. And by that time I should have a lot more money. Good. And maybe by then I won't have to move there. I still would like to though. It might be fun. Maybe I'll look into moving there for a year, to see how it goes.

Around April we should know when MCR decides to go on tour. If not, I will personally strangle Gerard. In a nice way. Well maybe not Gerard, maybe Brian (Manager). I don't really know whose choice it is. But I'll still be mad at something.

Today I worked at Chatter from 5-12. Lame. I was so tired. I still am. And get this, I have to be there at 10 am this morning. Again. Why? Oh, I have to decorate the bar for all the drunks. Greattt. Well, Jay is helping so I am not alone. Maybe Brittany. And we get free breakfast. So, I guess it's not that bad. But I swear to you, the second I get home: SLEEP. The rest of the night. Gerard could want to fly me out to wherever he is now, which I think is Canada, to help him and I would tell him. "SLEEP. NOW. YOU SILENCE" Or if he were to ask nicely I would have to demand solitary confinement in a plane. I am seriously so wore out.

I resolved all the issues at the bank. Apparently through my bank you can't make more than 6 electronic transfers, such as things like PayPal. I had already done my 6, and they charged me $28 for every time I tried to do it, after that. They charged me 6 times, for $28. That is almost $200. I didn't know they did that. So, I said I wasn't aware of this, I talked to this lady, etc. She said she would see what she could do, but the manager who could authorize the refund is out until December 6th. So I said I would come back in that day. Well, while I was at work yesterday, like, a half hour after I left the bank and went back to work, the lady called and said they would refund all of my money. That made me very happy.

I am still getting things together for the Video Shoot. Or trying to. I need to call my director. He needs to tell me where, and the exact days so I can tell the girls. I have to go shopping at the Salvation army and TJ Maxx and all that for Gee clothing. ::sigh:: Hopefully I find everything I need. I need to talk to Officer Tolfinski and see if I can borrow 3 bullet proof vests. That would be so shotgun.

I really want this to turn out well. Mikey knows about the shoot, and he said he wanted to see it. I know for a fact he told Brian, and Brian probably told the rest of them. So now they're all waiting to see it. Great.

Fuck. I have Homework. Shit Dammit Cock Sucker Tittie Nipples. Stupid Dirty Bitch. Well I can't say that, she's letting me turn in things late. I swear I had my paper with me on Wednesday. Hmm. That, and I need to work on my project for the guys. I told them I had one and they're like "If we don't get it, we will hunt you down--with a smile of course" Oh that's comforting. I'll be the first to say I got scolded by MCR. Great.

Nik needs to message me back. I want to know how the tour is going.

Oh oh oh! I need to go to the mall and talk to Sue. And then Buy something from her, because she's awesome. I need to see if she'll call Jason for me. I might be able to get backstage for the Night 89x stole Christmas with him if he's working it. That'd be so shotgun.

What else. Oh. Go shopping. -_- I have no clue what to get anyone. Jay, no clue. I know I'll find something though. That reminds me, what ever happened to that black hat my family got him last year? I should ask. I have Brittany's set up, I have part of Kelly's, I don't know who else I am shopping for. That's probably it. I will most likely get Wayne, Kyle, Shannon, Stefani, Betty, and Craig some small things. I don't have that much money.

I also need to make my X mas List. My mom told me to today. I was like Can I ask for a new life for Christmas? She just kind of looked at me.

Well, anyway's, uh...that's about it I guess. I work Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday next week. I have school...I HAVE A RESEARCH PAPER DUE THURSDAY! That I haven't even started ::dies:: Jesus. I might just kill myself. If all this shit doesn't.

I am really thirsty. So, I am going.

Peace Nukkas.


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