Apr 26, 2004 23:13
My mom is happy right now and that makes me depressed.My mom is only happy because she got her loan, and the fact that we got the loan makes me depressed because it means that we are one step closer to moving away, which means that were one step closer to moving away from everything i kno and every thing i love I mean iv'e lived in this house since i was born it has all of my memories in it and i just dont want to be forced to move away from all that i mean just think of it as taking off an important piece of me when i move im gonna be torn because im rarely ever going to be able to see all of my friends because im not just moving to another house in the area no my parents have to move into a house thats in an entirely different state and i just want to cry when i think that everything i have here will be gone within the next few months its all going to be torn away from me it just kills me to think about goin somewhere new where i wont kno anyone it makes me think about killing myself all over again but i just cant cause myself that kind of pain and right now i really believe that i need to be gone just leave and collect myself for a few hours or even days......Ill miss All of you exspecially my bestest friends , EMILA, CAITLYN, CAITLIN, KATLIN, KATEY, EMI-GEE, EMILY, BEN (I WONT BE SO FAR AWAY), CASEY, DUSTIN, DUSTIN, DUSTIN, DUSTIN, AUSTIN, TAYNA, CASSIE, CASSEY, CAREY, WADE, BECKY, JEAN, MEA, ASHLEY, ASHLEY, ASHLEY, ASHLEY, JILL, LEAH, GABBY, RACHEL, RACHEL, JACKIE, LYNDZIE, LINDSEY, GRACE, CHRIS, CHRIS, TIM, KURK, TRAVIS(ALSO WONT BE SO FAR AWAY), DANIELLE, MAGGY, NICOLE, ELIZABETH, AND WHOEVER I FORGOT ILL MISS YOU ALL FOREVER ILL LOVE YOU ALWAYZ. AND OF ALL THE ABOVE I WILL MISS THREE OF YOU MOST OF ALL JEAN MOORE, CAITLYN LAYMAN, AND RACHEL BINDER; ILL MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH; BUT OUTTA EVERYONE I KNO IM GONNA MISS ONE PERSON ABOVE THE REST MELISSA WHITE I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH