
May 03, 2007 02:06

As Gary and Nureena saw today, I am super excited about turning 21!
Even though it's not for another 27 days ...

I've got a lot of shit to do still, like two papers i was going to work on today, but I was just totally not in the mood to do them.

I am on a mission to look fuckin SMOKIN HOT by my birthday because Jon and I are going to Wilmington for two days.

Not to mention I was seeing this guy and he was kind of a douche to me and I am set on making him super jealous.

Other than that, I've been spending way too much money on iTunes lately, mostly on prog rock such as Boston, Steve Miller Band, and Foreigner. I'm in love with Foreigner right now. lol.

ALSO - I'm moving back to Raleigh this summer to save some moolah so let me know when you can hang out this weekend any one so that I can see you before I officially* leave for Raleigh.

I'm probably going to take pop music with Gary next semester!!! I can't wait it looks awesome! Also I'm going to take Stylistics, which is like this writing for performance kind of class - it's really like a do whatever you want kind of class which I know I'll love. Also, before the year is over, go to the ackland and see my directing class' section to the left of the front door - I directed one of the visual progression scenes on the movie thing. They're cool.

Peace out! YOU DON'T KNOW ME!

*I'll be back intermittently over the summer. I mean, all my friends live here!
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