Sep 07, 2007 10:26
im a lil sleepy.
thought id post some stuffies.
first off we are going to davis tomorrow. yayness. not sure if we are going to eat there, or just end up getting some jamba juice. haha.
im hoping the one guy is working at the comic shop, cuz he gives great deals, and he may buy some of my stuff hopefully. we will see.
i officially need the following systems..
and nintendo ds!~
whats funny is we had the xbox360, ds, and psp, but had to trade them a while ago. i need ems back though!
so many games comming out for systems i dont have and it hurts! haha
Reasons for needing psp-
mainly because according to my game informer, there is going to be a god of war game for psp. its not going to the third one, ( although there are talks of a third, and at the end of the 2nd, its kinda obvious there needs to be a third one..) but its going to be a prequel type game .. kratos before he was the god of war. if im remembering right.. ( i read this a while ago. ) .. yeah..
also the silent hill orgins, which ive yet to play is on psp!..theres a cool naruto game comming out..... soo the bottom line...
looks like im ganna need to buy a psp! >_< .
nintendo ds: i need it just cuz i love all the lil fun games on it, and pokemon! haha
so there is videos on you tube titled " kingdom hearts 3".. and u watch it, and it looks very different, and u dont see sora anywhere.
the reason for this is beacuse it is not kingdom hearts 3.
YET it is going to be in the kingdom hearts series.
the game is actually kinda a inbetween point. its a game focusing on rikku, the king, and the darkness. its supposed to be what happened while sora and the gang were asleep for so long..
while chain of memories ( gameboy advance game ) was an inbetween type thing too ( which greatly helps explain the 2nd game)... that focused mainly on sora and donald and goofy... and their adventure.
so while its not kingdom hearts 3, i will still be eagerly awaiting to play it... Also the god of war 3 game will most likely be on ps3, not to mention theres like 2523672457 other games im ganna want to play
hopefully ill have my ps3 by then. haha
Silent hill 5 probably wont hit the ps3 console until fall of 2008- but im VERY excited for it, since i loved the first 4.
since the first 4 games were all released within a 5 year period, they all had closely tied storylines, But since silent hill 5 will not be released until 2008, that leaves a 4 year gap between the release of the prevous title " silent hill 4: the room" to the new game.
since there is such a large gap, the creators decided to instead create a stand-alone plot with all new characters. ..However dont expect to see completely unrecognizable characters, settings and situations. theres a certain stylized, yet believable style of silent hill that our new hero will have to hold up.
Silent hill 5- starts out with a character named alex sheppard. he is a 22 yr. old vetran who's recupperating from a war wound in the milatary hospital, when he has a premonition that his younger brother joshua is in trouble. He returns to his hometown in new england to find his mother catanic, and his brother and father missing.
In silent hill 5's combat Real time wombs appear on enemys and on yourself when attacked..
there are new enemys, ( example : Siam (half woman/man demon), and old enemys ( example: the nurses)
altogether with the ps3's graphics, and the silent hill franchise's touch..this looks to be a very promising game!!
but hey its also on xbox360!
i want my 360 because theres games i already love on it, and yeah.. no other reasons..