Random Suzaku x Lelouch doujin... well an attempt... xD

Nov 14, 2008 14:18

Okki I worked a bit harder on these ones :) I made Lelouch more lelouch like but like all cute and chibi kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aha xD not sure about Suzaku I had to look as LOADS of pictures of him to get it right *sigh* His hair was the hardest to do... LOL xD

Neeewaaaaay I'm gna upload two versions the non coloured and the coloured one :)  I am happpy to admit it is waaaaaaaay better than my other one i did :) However I can draw better but *sigh* I duno whats wrong with me LOL xD

newaaaay ENjoooooooooy :D:D

Here's a preview :D

http://xxtsubasaxx.livejournal.com/5626.html#cutid1 <------------------ Coloured verson :D

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