(no subject)

Sep 15, 2007 22:43

Ianto Jones carefully  picked up the last coffee cup and made his way over to the kitchen. Ever since Jack left, the rest of the team had to stick closer together and new friendships were born and solidified. Before Jack had left he and Owen could barely stand being in the same room as each other; but once the captain had left their friendship was born. Their friendship was still there, even though Jack had now returned.

Unlike what Jack thought though, he DID remember the 'year that never was' though he wisely decided to keep his mouth shut about it. He had gone with the rest of  the team to the Himalayas and had to suffer along with Owen, watching Gwen and Toshiko die.  They had forged their friendship then and when the timeline was reverted to normal they both had felt a fraction of that bond, allowing them to 'pick up where they left off.'

Jack had seemed alot happier when he returned than he had been beforehand; but he was still immortal, something that Gwen prided herself in thinking that she had known about first. Ianto always cracked a slight smile whenever she complained about it to him and the others, not even considering that Jack would have intrusted someone else to know about it.  Ianto laughed quietly to himself about her foolishness. While she had found out by an accident that he couldn't die, Ianto himself had been directly told by the captain...

Not All Gold Glitters. Post Season 1 jack/Ianto. Don't read if you don't like.

torchwood, jack/ianto

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