Papa Angel Chapter One

Jun 20, 2009 18:49

Opening the door to their latest Motel room, Dean Winchester felt his eyes go wide at the sight of Castiel calmly sitting on the hood of the Impala. He had gotten used to the Angels sudden appearances, but he hadn't been expecting to see him sitting on his baby.

“Hey Cas. What are you doing here?”

Castiel looked up, his piercing blue eyes focusing first on Sam then Dean. “My superiors feel that you are not trusting us enough and are being far too disrespectful to our kind. They wish for me to rectify that problem.”

“Not trusting you lot,” Dean said, voice dripping sarcasm. “Where did you get that idea?” He ignored Sam's warning, “Dean!” pushing his brothers arm away and got up close to the angel. “You lot have just been using us from the start. Both of us!” He exclaimed, gesturing at Sam who was looking apologetically towards Castiel. “Why on earth should we trust you?”

Castiel's face hardened almost imperceptibly and he moved in a blink in between the two brothers.

“Dean. That's enough. You need to stop. Think of all that Castiel's done for you.” Castiel nodded amicably to Sam, silently thanking him for his help.

“I saved you Dean,” Castiel said quietly. “That should be enough.”

Deans anger faded slightly and he looked sheepishly to the ground. Slowly he looked up and said in a more even tone. “So how is heaven going to 'rectify' this problem?” Making quotation marks with his fingers, Dean looked skeptically at Castiel.

Castiel looked between the two brothers, and noticed their skeptical expressions before letting a little smile loose saying, “You'll see,” before he raised both hands, touching each boys temples and the world went black for the two Winchesters.


Opening his eyes Dean scrambled out of the strange bed, throwing back the covers and swinging himself to the floor. The forest outside the window was one he had never seen before, the sun just above the horizon. Assessing the room around him, he felt his annoyance grow.

“What the hell was that for Castiel?!” He shouted when he spotted the angel sitting calmly in a recliner, something held securely in his arms.

“Do not use such foul language around me, Dean Winchester.” The angel spoke softly but with a firmness in his voice. Dean went to put his hands on his hips when he noticed just how much closer he was to the ground than usual. He felt cold in his stomach as he raised his trembling hands, shocked to see how small they were. Dean looked up at Castiel and finally noticed just how much bigger the angel was.

Castiels eyes locked on to his and he knew without a doubt that this was part of heavens plan. Fear welled up in him when he realized he couldn't see his brother anywhere. “Castiel. Where is Sam?” He tried unsuccessfully to deepen his squeaky voice. “Castiel. Where. Is. My. Brother?!?” He was shouting at the end and saw the blanket covered thing move. Castiel looked down and rocked it slightly before looking back up at Dean, a fatherly sternness in his eyes.

“That's enough Dean. Sam is right here.” He pulled Dean up onto his lap, despite Deans struggles and let him peer into the blanket. Dean felt his eyes widen as the took in his baby brother; his baby brother who was actually his baby brother. Sam looked about two, his curly brown locks plastered to his head as he fisted his hands into Castiel's trench coat. As Dean watched, Sam's head came to rest on the angels chest and he snuggled closer.

Looking back up at Cas, Dean was surprised to see a small benevolent smile gracing the usually impassive face as he looked at the baby.

“Sorry for yelling Cas,” Dean whispered, and Cas nodded; letting him slide to to the ground and walk out the room. Finding the bathroom in this strange house, Dean managed to stretch up and look into the mirror, gasping at his appearance. Gone were his devilish good looks, replaced by chubby cheeks, blond hair and innocent eyes. Hurrying back back into what he supposed was the bedroom, he raced up to Castiel and stuttered out, “How...How...”

“How old are you?” Castiel guessed. “Just turned six Dean and Sam here is barely two.” He raised the hand not cradling Sam up to halt his protests. “And before you ask I will explain once your brother has woken up and settled.”

Dean nodded glumly, accepting Castiels decision and headed towards his bed before noticing the shelves. Each shelf was full of different things, from books, to music, to toys, dvds and videos. Every shelf was neatly ordered alphabetically, not a thing out of place.

“Cas?” Dean asked warily.

“Yes Dean?”

“Where exactly are we?”

Cas walked over, sidestepping the small crib and playpen as he reached Dean. “We are in a safe house created for this purpose. Until my superiors deem so we, meaning you, Sam and I will be living here.” Dean nodded, accepting this in a slight daze before noticing a small electronic toy sitting inconspicuously on the shelf.

“Is that a DS? Way cool!” He jumped onto the bed, his bed his mind supplied and proceeded to start playing. Even adults could have fun with a DS, he thought happily.

Castiel smiled softly before resuming his seat and staring down at the tiny life he held in his hands. A life he knew, that was tinged with sadness and tainted with darkness, not of his own volition. “Maybe you can get a new start on life, Samuel,” he whispered. He brushed the bangs from the small forehead, and sent a small amount of peace to the adult mind her knew was locked in there.

“Never forget that God loves you,” he paused and breathed the last word. “Sammy.” He continued to keep watch over the two Winchesters, alternating between looking at Sam and Dean; feeling kind of like the guardian angels Dean used to compare him to. Feeling a stirring motion in the blanket, he looked down into Sam's hazy eyes, which he was rubbing with a fist.

“Hello Sam.”

dean, castiel, sam, de-age, supernatural

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