Nov 30, 2005 14:19
Hello to everyone who reads this! I'm sure no one reads this but o well!!! So school is ALMOST done! YES!! That means no worrying about homework!! I'm also excited cause I can just relax and have fun hanging out with everyone! O good news Gina and Gilbert are getting a cat togther!! Go gina! That's a big commitment!! Momma L is gonna kill her! Lets see... X mas is coming up and I expect lots of gifts! Ashlynn my baby is allready 1 i'm so sad she is growing up soo fast!! A.J. made a new friend at her party his name is dylan! lol School sucks I have so much stuff to do and not enough time to do it. I still have no Idea what my business proposal is gonna be on.. that's due MONDAY!! EEKK My cusions Juile and her fiancee Jay and her brother my other cusion Tommy and his wife Celiste ( I hope thats'right) are coming up on the 26 of dec to visit and hang outfor a bit i'm not sure how long but,that will be fun! Hopefully there will be snow and we can go sledding! That would be fun! Me, T, nick and A.j. are hopefully gonna hang out over break 2 me and T have deiced that wer are gonna go skating at campus marsuhs park, and on a sleigh ride at Green Field Village. That wil be fun!! Sheri has her sugury coming up i'm scared for her but I know she'll make it bcause she's strong!! I'll be sure to bring you baloons!! I <3 you Sheri!! Lets see... OO my work x mas party is coming up on sat and gina and A.J. are going with me that will be sooo fun!! I'm getting my nails done on friday and I gotta babysit and i'm taking the kids to go see santa at Fantsy land in lincoln park if you want to come with let me know it's gonna be fun!! Sat i'm getting my hur done and i'm gonna look sooo cute!! Me gina and A.j. are gonna have a blast, because we always do and all my C.D friends and my transportation friends to!! Well i'ts time to go home now! So i'll chat with ya'll later!!