33% done...=.=''

Dec 10, 2007 09:17

So I've technically got the cards done.  I just have to write all of them onto the card itself.  Hopefully it won't be too hard since it's an uneven surface.  I apologize for any slantedness my writing will go in the process of writing it.  And I apologize if it comes late.  Apparently International ship dates were due on November 26th.  I don't even think anyone was talking about Christmas Cards at that time.  Sorry, chibi_news 
isis_pro!  Hopefully they'll still get to you two in time!  I'm mailing them today no matter what since it supposed to be "cut-off" today.


I am supposed away from the December 22nd until January 6th.  I am going to LAS VEGAS.  Yay me. <3 That means I'll be gone for...15 days?  That's a long time. o.o'' No LJing for me down there...unless there's like wireless internet or something and I'll have to lug my laptop there. =.='' It'll be a good work out.  We're roadtripping there, so that' going to be fun.  At times like these, I curse myself for not having a license yet. *Fail.* Anyways...I have no clue what I will do in those two weeks with no Massu to fangirl to...T_T I need a wallet sized picture of him. D:

I think we're going to be staying at Luxor since they have this "Buy 2 Nights and Get 1 Free" thing going on.  We're supposed to be arriving on Christmas Eve and then staying at Luxor for the 24th, 25th and 26th.  Which is practically the entire Christmas.  On the 27th, we're supposed to be moving into my Auntie's place and we should be there until we get back.  Souvenirs anyone?  I think I rather shop the net for NEWS instead...

Which reminds me that I still need to pre-order the calendar!  More spendage.  x.x

I've got a final on Friday and next Monday (which I will do very poorly on).  I just finished my 4th "Final" Midterm for Psychology.  Bah.  Now I just have to finish the day.  I don't need to come to school tomorrow since I don't have anymore classes scheduled for that course. :3

Anyways...I need to get back to class, which is in about 15 minutes.  Then I'll go home and write cards while Massu-ing eating.  Is there really a difference?  >w<

xoxo ~<3

massu, travelling, rambling, spendage

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