
Nov 11, 2007 01:12


I've just been really tired this entire weeeek.  I had to skip my first course Thursday morning since I was falling asleep while eating breakfast.  That, and the moment I got back onto my bed, and fell right asleep.  Usually it takes some time for me to get back into sleep, specially if I'm "re-sleeping."

Work that night was stupid.  The manager had to keep me longer since the hostess was by herself and it was "busy."  It wasn't even as busy as when I was working as a hostess by myself.  I even asked the hostess (we're friends) if she felt it was busy when the manager told me to stay a bit longer to helpher, and she said "no."  So last night was almost a good waste of my time.  I'm pretty sure I'm quitting at this rate.  As soon as I find another job, I am really going to quit this one.

Friday was alright for me, I suppose.  I had class in the morning and then had to stay a bit longer to do a Psych Lab that's going to be due next Thursday.  Apparently the worksheet said it'd only take 20 minutes to complete the lab, but it took me a good 40 minutes to finish it.  Bah.  Work was okay as well.  I was working with another girl that was attention thirsty and whiny and etc for an hour until the manager told her to switch with one of the other girls.  She started whining to me about why they had to switch her and blah, blah, blah.  It was very noisy.

Today, or rather 90 minutes ago, was my birthday.  I didn't actually "celebrate" it since I had work.  Wow.  Who would've guessed.  We (family) were supposed to eat/cut the cake in the afternoon since I worked at night, but my dad had to go out and fix one of their friend's computer at their house and my mom went with.  They got home after I left for work, hence no celebration taking place.  Instead, I went with one of my girl friends to Boston Pizza to make a lame effort of trying to celebrate my birthday.  She bought me 2 slices of cakes beforehand.  It was nice of her.  ^_^
So now I'm home, eating one slice of the cake (I don't feel like stuffing my face).

That, and I'm debating on home much money I should spend I the next set of NEWS concert goods.  I've got the moolah, but I just don't know how willing I'm going to be on spending it.  A majority of the moolah are actually the tips I get each night I work.  I earn a guaranteed $50+ per week in tips, which is good in my opinion since I hardly spend money on anything.  Food is paid for.  Rent is paid for.  I walk to school.  Rarely eat out.  My daily spendings could sum up to 0.

This cake is actually really sweet.  It's very taro-full.  If you don't know what taro is, go wiki it. >w<  I'm not a big fan of taro, but I don't mind eating it.

So at the current moment, it looks like I'll be spending around $125 on the NEWS concert goods.  A part of it is really because of my sister.  That's the downside of having a family member that is obssessed adores the same group as you.  Seriously, if I start bringing home Massu and she sees it, she'll be like "WHERE'S MINE?!  WHERE'S TESSHI??!" She'll start throwing a fit.  She's 11 for crying out loud.

I think it's starting to get a little difficult to type.  Partially because it's freezing ass here.  More like my hands.  I was shivering the entire time walking home from late night dinner.

I watched the Music Fighter "weeeek" performance and almost laughed myself through the entire thing.  They're so dorky cute. <3


End of Story.

~チュー <33

PS - お誕生日おめでとう テッシ!<3

massu, birthday, school, con goods, ramble, news, tesshi, work

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