metro-tagg!...and the usual

Oct 16, 2007 19:48


My voice gave out on me this morning so there was no way in hell I could do the mentioned presentation.  I talked to the professor and he said I could do it Thursday, or rescheduel it to another day.  He's so nice.  I was either croaking half the time or whispering.  Everytime I tried to talk, the entire back of my throat felt like sand paper against sand paper.  Ugh.  Hopefully I'll be better by Thrusday, cause I do want to get this out of the way...then it'll be one less worry for me.

I got that huge test back today in class and I was somewhat surprised I passed but disappointed because I knew I could've done better.  I'm doing the test backwards next time (Essay --> Short Answer --> Multiple Choice --> True/False).  Rake up the biggies and then deal with the confuse-ers.  I got 60%.  Better than a fail.  Apparently someone got 3/90 on the test.  Yes, that's a 3 (three) out of 90 (ninety).

Prof.:  The lowest score was 3/90...
*Class jaw drop.*
Student: ...Is that even possible?
*Class laugh.*

He spent 15 minutes scaring the daylights out of all of us on how we either shape up or withdraw.  He's the same professor that I have my presentation in.  His classes are the ones that are less dry compared to my other Crim classes.  What can I say?  He's a fun, funny guy. ^__^

I've taken quite some medication so I suppose I'm starting to feel better.  T_T  I hate being/getting's such a hassle.  And it also feels like I'm the only one sick.  It feels stupid to be the only one sniffling in class while the teacher is giving a lecture.

うわ~! I got tagged by

The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while.

1.  Massu!!  He's made me so happy ever since we met... *Dreamy.*
2.  NEWS Spendage~  Yep...spending that hard earn money sure feels good.
3.  LJ!  I've actually had this account for a long time but I never had anyone else to use it with so I didn't use it at all.  Now that I do use it, it serves somewhat like a stress reliever. ^__^
4.  LJ Friends!  I think I talk to LJ friends more than I do with anyone else. *No life.*  It's really a misconception that "you'll keep in touch with your high school friends after you graduate."  I love you people!
5.  My Phone!!  It's a Prada...with Massu as a display picture.  My daddy got it for me as a "going into college" present.  Asian rituals rock.
6.  My Non-Contagious Seasonal Cough left!  I have this weird thing where I cough for a really long time (yes, I've tried medication, it doesn't work).  It's non-contagious though.  I've shared a drink with someone and the never got sick.  That or they just have a kick-butt immune system.  >.>
7.  Free Time!  It feels like I have more time to myself now that I'm in college.  I don't know, it might just be me feeling that.
8.  Calendar!!  I know, I'm weird.  But finally using a calendar and letting myself see what I have to do on what days feels good.
9.  Money!!  I actually found out that I have more money (on hand, not in the bank) than I anticipated.  Which means that I am in some way saving up.  I've found a place to hide my money.  People say that "the most dangerous place is the safest place."  My hiding place is almost in plain sight but you'd never think of putting it in there.  I hide money from myself so I don't spend it.  I need to write down where I put my money before I forget...>.>
10.  Massu's Smile!!!~~  I'm not cheating this meme in any way.  He's really been a large source of my happiness lately. ^__^  あいしてるマッス!!

Lolz.  I only have 10 people to tag.  *Sadness.*

You got tagged!!: 

news, massu, tagged, rambling, school

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