
Oct 15, 2007 13:58

Yep...there went another week.

Time just likes to fly like that.  Back to school tomorrow.  Buuuu-- I have to rehearse with my partner tomorrow for our presentation on Tuesday.  Hopefully with the information we have will be enough to last half an hour.  We have a short clip that will take up 5 mintues and then hopefully the we can have some class interaction that will sum up to at least another 5 minutes.  In other words, we'll have to talk for at least 20 minutes.  I hate presentations/public speaking.  But once this presentation is over, all I have to worry about this class will be completing the last midterm.  There isn't even a final for it.  *Happy thought.*

With the conclusion of the presentation though, it means that I have to finish my part of my group essay within the week.  I'm doing the conclusion so it means that I have to be anal and start rushing people to finish or else I'll be the one screwed over.  Apparently the teacher is going to be marking each person individually even though it's a group essay.  He wants us to label our names next the paragraphs we write so our individual marks will not be affected by our other group members.  He said that it's to prevent groups to benefit from one smartass person or to be pulled down by one idiot.  I guess it's a fair way to mark the essay.  If everyone can finish their body paragraphs by Friday and submit it to me, then I can tie myself down and try to finish it before work so I don't have to worry about it over the weekend.  I guess the deadline for them to have it in would be Saturday since it's due next Monday (October 22nd).  I'll probably push for Friday.  *Pressure.*

After that, I have to worry about my Psychology paper that's due on the Thursday of that week (October 25th).  The good thing about it is that it's only supposed to be summary that 2 pages long.  I'm praying that it'll be easy for me to write but I have to start on that on Tuesday.  It feels like I have so much shit to do...=.=

I think November is a test only month for me so I should be a happier person.  Then December I have 2 finals and one more presentation.  That presentation is only 5 minutes...least that's what I remember.

Enough of that...

I changed my Myojo to Duet without much problem at Iwase today so that was kinda happy.  I also found out that I have more money than I anticipated, hence my "Spending On NEWS Funds" will get some money in it.  I need to buy a piggy bank.  I saw one at the store today that was a piggy (it made me smile like when I see Massu smile) but I didn't really feel like getting it since I was with my mom.  I never feel like buying anything when I'm with someone.  I know that if I stuff all my money in there I'd either:

1.  Be too lazy to take it out.  (Those plugs take too much effort to take off.)
2.  Remember that they're my spending money for NEWS.  (I need to spend on them that bad.)
3.  Forget that the piggy even has a significant amount of money in it.  (Best reason probably.  Long term memory suckage.)

Bah...I think I'm finished with my rambling today. ^_^

*Kinda feels better.*

Thanks to

jkly04 for the heads up on the NEWS poster in Duet!  I <3 you!!~


End of Story.

~チュー <33

P.S. - For the first time I'm not listening to NEWS.  It was random.

Edit:  This post went fugly so I re-posted it.  >.>

news, massu, duet, myojo, rambling, spendage, school

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