Oct 10, 2007 17:30
I have to study tonight...therefore less "free time." *Sulks.* Bwah. Hopefully studying will only take 2-3 hours so I'll be finished before midnight. I don't wanna study!~~
I am so insanely bored right now. I'm probably dreading the studying. I'm starting to wonder why I'm not studying right now so I don't have to worry about it later...>.>
*Is stupid.*
I feel like making Massu plushie. Like make him out of that felt-ish material. I attempted at making Kero-chan (CardCaptor Sakura...I was young) quite a few years ago but he turned out kinda deformed. Maybe I'll be happier when studying if I had a Massu plushie.
*Goals it.*
The story can't end here...I'm prolly going to post after I finish studying.
~チュー <33
radio rip,