Feb 21, 2006 16:24
so, it may or may not have come to your attention that MO lost its keyboardist, brian blackmore. because all of you now want to know why, i'll tell you the circumstances surrounding this departure.
sunday night, i got a phone call from bill regarding an email that brian sent us. i believe he said something like "uhhh you're not going to like this."
here's the email in its entirety:
Bill and Alex,
I apologize in advance for the contents of this email,
but it needs to be said. Music has always been
something that I could play or listen to to relax and
enjoy my time. However, throughout the past months I
have not enjoyed my time with the band. Music has
become for me, as it has with you, the basis for a
career. This is great for the two of you, because you
want music to be your career, however, after much
thought, I have decided that I want a job as a career,
and music to be what it used to be for me: fun. I am
very sorry to do this, but I no longer feel that I can
contribute to the direction in which Midnite Overture
is proceeding, and therefore, I believe it to be best
for Midnite Overture to start looking for a new
I apologize again for this, but I can see no other way
for this to work. I felt I needed to do this now,
because this needed to happen before we got too into
the summer tour.
My Best Regards,
of course, we receive out of the blue and we both are completely floored. after multiple emails to him with no responses, i finally get ahold of him online. you have to realize that we are in the middle of booking our month and a half summer tour, and we have two shows booked, one from a favor from our friends in the human abstract, and the other with a band called fiore, which contains former members of the beautiful mistake and a fall farewell. here's what he had to say about my simple request of just doing the local shows we have already booked that he already committed to:
murderoticka: i'm just asking you if you can do the shows we already have scheduled
murderoticka: there are only two
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i really dont want to play at studio s again
Auto response from murderoticka: hey
what are you running away from?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k returned at 2:46:35 PM.
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: club 13 idk, so i guess
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: but i don't want ot have to sell tickets for a venue that i dont like
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: and one of my keyboards is broken
murderoticka: i wasn't expecting you to sell tickets
murderoticka: you're not in the band anymore
murderoticka: i just wanted to see if you could still do the shows you committed to
murderoticka: and what do you mean, broken?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: the sd1 does not work
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: it stopped working int he middle of practice 2 fridays ago
murderoticka: can you just use similar patches?
murderoticka: on the kurzweil
murderoticka: ?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: bill and I had tried endlessly to find similar enough patches and we never could do it
murderoticka: can you just use piano?
murderoticka: it doesn't even have to be similar
murderoticka: can you use just something?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: .. i guess
murderoticka: i'm not asking you to pull teeth
murderoticka: i'm just asking you to make good on something you already committed to
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: its more time around bill
murderoticka: dude
murderoticka: don't make this any harder than it is
murderoticka: please just do those two shows and then i'll leave you alone
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: the shows are over a month away.. almost two months, thats why i did this now and not later
murderoticka: oh, so you expect us to find a comparable keyboardist in less time than the time we spent looking for a decent bassist which we didn't find?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i'm just saying its real easy to cancel a show
murderoticka: no
murderoticka: it's not
murderoticka: because not only is exposure we don't get, it's negative for the venue we cancel with and the people we told about the show in the first place
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: its not negative to a venue to cancel a month in advance
murderoticka: yes it is
murderoticka: just please do those shows
murderoticka: yes?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: hey, so i wanted to finish talking about some shit with bill, and now that thats pretty much done.. i'm still really dont want to do the shows
murderoticka: okay
murderoticka: will you do them, though?
murderoticka: i really don't want you to have to do the shows but i don't know if we're going to have someone else by those dates
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: which is why i still say a club wont blacklist you for canceling a month in advance
murderoticka: dude
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: heck.. i'd even help yall find a replacement band
murderoticka: they book that shit like months in advance
murderoticka: plural
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: clubs let no-show's play again
murderoticka: it's a bad rep to have
murderoticka: i know it won't affect you
murderoticka: but it affects us
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: k, but canceling a month in advance isn't
murderoticka: and please
murderoticka: yes it is
murderoticka: please get over it
murderoticka: because while it doesn't affect you, it will (or might from your viewpoint) affect us
murderoticka: and our fucking career
murderoticka: so please don't be so shortsighted and self-centered about this
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: its two shows.. that are gonna be played without a bassist anyway. two shows out of the 40 or 50 we've played. for some reason i doubt that in the long run a show at studio s and a show at club 13 will change anything
murderoticka: well, they won't for you
murderoticka: but they might for us
murderoticka: so please just do it
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: soo the 5 or 10 friends who were considering going to these shows wont go and will find something else to do that night, and the 3 people who ended up sticking aroud from the last band will end up seeing some shitty local hardcore band
murderoticka: i'm going to take that as an "i'll do it"
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: sorry, had to grab dinner, and i'd have to say that the "i'll do it" was more of a "bill doesn't expect me to come, and he's right"
(i kind of lost it here)
murderoticka: you're a fucking asshole
murderoticka: you know that?
murderoticka: i'll let you know right now that i'm considering your complete lack of maturity with this a personal attack, and after i get my drums back from your house, i don't give a fuck what happens to you
murderoticka: and i hope you didn't expect any less
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i didn't know what to expect, and i'm not entirely sure how you can consider this a personal attack, but if thats how you want to view it, then thats your decision
murderoticka: you want to know?
murderoticka: because of your complete insensitivity to how this was going to affect anyone but yourself
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: you think i didn't realize that?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: if i had stayed in the band, i would have hated the rest of my life
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: every show i played, every practice i went to, i was solidifying myself more and more into the band with no excape
murderoticka: every show?
murderoticka: yeah, because when we were still playing shows, i totally remember you hating your time with us
murderoticka: i totally remember you saying how you wanted a regular job
murderoticka: and that you didn't want to do music full time
murderoticka: and that it wasn't the most enjoyable thing you did
murderoticka: oh wait
murderoticka: i remember you saying the exact opposite
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i never was sure on the subject.. but thats what i was supposed to say, anmd i figured it would be right
murderoticka: yeah
murderoticka: so not only are you a liar, but you're also completely spineless
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: whatever you want to think
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i was unsure
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i didn't kmnow either way
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: so i decided on one
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: it happened to be wrong
murderoticka: so when you're not sure about something, you just pick one way and hope that it's right?
murderoticka: that's an awesome way to go through life
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: have you ever made a fucking wrong decision?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: ever?
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: cuz if not.. then ok
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: great argument
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: if you have
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: then pick a new one
murderoticka: this is more than just making a wrong decision
murderoticka: you made a wrong decision about something you weren't sure about, then paraded around like you had yourself figured out
murderoticka: for months
murderoticka: fucking months
murderoticka: you straight up fucking lied to us
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: k
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: you've made a wrong decision about something you were unsure about
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: if youw eren't unsure.. then you wouldn't ever make the wrong one
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: look
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: bitching about this isn't gonna help either of us
murderoticka: there's no way you can rationalize this, so don't even try
murderoticka: you screwed both me and bill over
murderoticka: plus you don't care that this is going to set us back
murderoticka: a lot
murderoticka: if you cared at all, you would at least do the shows that you already said you would do
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: well, i cant come up with a reasonable rebuttle
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: or a justification
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: or anything else
Cu73sYbL0nD3cH1k: i care, but i had to do what i had to do, and i've made my decision
murderoticka: fuck you
i told bill that i was going to tell people about this:
gtrgod1127: Im just worried-all our friends are going to know about this and if we all start talking shit about each other
gtrgod1127: idk whats going to happen
gtrgod1127: we all=the 3 of us
murderoticka: i don't give a shit to be honest
murderoticka: i'm drawing the line here
murderoticka: and if people want to back brian up for bullshitting and lying and just being an overall shitty person, then they'll know where they stand with me
gtrgod1127: ok
murderoticka: i have no tolerance for people who backstab me, or support the people who backstab me
gtrgod1127: fair enough
and that's basically what happened. as of now, we have another keyboardist trying out friday, and if he doesn't work out, then we might have someone else trying out next week.