Dec 31, 2003 16:11
survey i stole from laura
1. Name: Lyna
2. Nicknames: i dont have any
3. Feet Size: 7ish
4. Do You Have A Crush: not sure about that right now
5. Age: ...
6. Age You Act: 3, beacause i tend to throw gay little tantrums about nothing
7. Where Do You Live: Texas
9. Birthplace: Japan
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch
11. Ever Gone Skinny Dipping?: it was a dare
12. What Are You Watching?: nothing
13. Last Person You Talked To: My mom
14. Favorite Movie: the exorcist
15. Favorite Book: i havnt really read alot but from what i have read i would have to say speak
16. Favorite Type Of Music: emo
17. Favorite Types Of Cars: civic
18. Favorite Saying: im not really sure i have one
19. Favorite Fast Food: Taco bell
20. Favorite Ice Cream: coffe
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: i havnt had much but i guess vodka
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: when im watching tv
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: i have many of those
24. Stupidest Person You Know: i dont really know any stupid people
25. Craziest Person You Know: my sister
26. Favorite Holiday: i dont really have one
27. Favorite Food: mashed potaoes
28. Favorite Song: they change every day
29. Favorite Television Show(s): dont have one
30. Favorite Radio Station: i dont really listen to the radio
31. Favorite Junk Food: coke, or is that a junk drink?
32. Favorite Sappy Love Song: i'm not sure whats considered sappy
33. Favorite Color: olive green
34. Favorite Sneakers: converse
Section 2 ~ THE FUTURE:
1. School: i dont know
2. Where You Want To Live: new york, london, or chicago
3. How Many Kids You Want: none if any 1
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: i dont know, i dont even know what i have a chance with i dont exactly have a talent
5. Wedding Song: dont know
Section 3 ~ HAVE YOU EVER:
1. Been In Jail: no, dont plan to be
2. Done Drugs: yes
3. Run Away From Home: no
4. Hit A Girl: yes
6. Stolen Anything: i accidently stole lip gloss
7. Broken A Bone: no
8. Cheated On A Test: yes
9. Cheated On A Boyfriend: no i would never ever do that
10. Gotten Drunk: yes
11. Been With Two Guys At Once: no i would never do that
12. Been In The Hospital: yeah just last night
13. Let A Friend Cry On Your Shoulder: yes
14. Fell Asleep In The Shower/Bath: yes
15. Gone To Church: Yes
16. Never Slept During A Night: yes
17. Ever Been On A Motorcycle Or Motorbike: no
18. Been To A Camp: day camp, does that count?
19. Sat In A Restaurant W/O Ordering: no
20. Seen Someone Die: no
21. Gone A Week W/O Shaving: yes
22. Didn't Wash Your Hair For A Week: no
23. Broken Something Valuable: yes
24. Thought You Were In Love: yes
25. Streaked In The Streets: no
26. Screamed At Someone For No Reason: yes
27. Said I Love You And Meant It: no
28. Been Hurt By A Guy You Loved: no
29. Stayed Up 'Til 4 A.M. On The Phone: yes
Section 4 ~ WHICH IS BETTER:
1. Coke Or Pepsi: coke
2. Cats Or Dogs: dogs
3. DVDs Or VHS: DVD!!!
4. Deaf Or Blind: deaf
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: pools
6. Television Or Radio: television
7. CDs Or MP3's: whats an mp3?
8. Apples Or Oranges: oranges
9. Gap Or Old Navy: gap
1. Took A Shower: this morning
2. Cried: last night
3. Watched A Disney Movie: last month
4. Given/Gotten A Hug: like a week ago
5. Been To The Movies: when i saw lord of the rings
Section 6 ~ WHAT IS:
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This Year: going to galveston with ana
2. Your Most Prized Possession: at the time my cd's
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: sleeping
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: nothing, i dont really eat breakfast
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: pot roast with, mashed potatoes
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: many
7. Your Ideal BF/GF: someone who im comfortable with
1. What Are Your Favorite Forms Of Jewelry? earings
2. Have You Ever Liked Someone Too Young For You? no
3. Do You Think You Have Multiple Personalities? no
4. Ever Walked In On Someone Changing Or Showering? yes
6. What Are You Wearing? jeans and my all american rejects shirt!
7. What Did You Do Yesterday? went to the hospital to see my dad
8. Who Was Your Last Crush? i havn't had one in like a year, i've just been set up with people