Characters: Willow and Tara
Location: Tara's Hotel Room
Description: Willow and Tara Talk
Note: Directly after Willow and Kennedy Talk
Willow: After taking a long walk immediately following her conversation with Kennedy, Willow found herself at Tara's hotel. She reached into her pocket and retrieved a slip of paper. Unfolding it, she read the room number and found her way to the room. She gave a light knock.
Tara: *goes to the door and looks to see who it is before opening the door wide* Willow! Come in. *moves away from the door so you can come in*
Willow: Willow stepped into the room. "I just stopped by to see how you were doing..." She explained, offering Tara a weak smile.
Tara: *shuts and locks the door behind you* I'm ok *half smiles*
Willow: "Good, I'm glad...I must feel a bit weird, everything being so different now..." Willow offered. "You know...I meant it when I said you could stay with us at the house, you didn't need to get yourself a room at a hotel and all..." She glanced around. "Not that it's a bad room, or anything..."
Tara: no it's a rather nice room there's a kitchen, TV, and two beds, it acutlly kinda nice. and Yeah Everything is very weird now. but I did some how manage to get myself a job. although I'm still not exactly sure how
Willow: "Oh? That's good news! What are you gonna be doing?" Willow asked.
Tara: umm *blushes profusely* singing
Willow: Willow's eyes widened a bit and she cracked the first genuine smile that she'd had all evening. "Tara! That's great! I mean it's beyond great! Where are you gonna be singing? I'm gonna have to make sure to be there to cheer you on."
Tara: a Demon bar called *furrows brow trying to remember the name* Caratas?
Willow: "Sounds interesting," Willow said with a smile. "When do you start?"
Tara: When it opens I'm not sure when that is though *smiles and motions to one of the beds* have a seat do you want anything?
Willow: Willow had a seat, shrugging her bag off her back and into her lap. "Well, you'll have to let me know as soon as you find out." She said. I bet the whole Scoobie Gang will be there to see it."
Tara: *nods and smiles* I will let you know. it's almost funny why I got it
Willow: "Ohh? Okay, story..." Willow urged.
Tara: *smiles and chuckles softly* you always did love storytime
Willow: "Well, spill! Why and how'd you manage to come across the job anyway?" Willow said leaning forward slightly.
Tara: *smiles at Willows eagerness* Well I was wandering down the street past some big buildings and I was softly singing umm *blushes* well I was singing our song
Willow: Willow couldn't suppress the colour that crept into her cheeks as a small grin crossed her lips. "Oh?"
Tara: *nods* you've heard of the Host before right?
Willow: "Hmmm..." Willow thought for a moment. "The name sounds familiar, but I'm not bringing up any specifics..."
Tara: friend of Angel's Green has horns?
Willow: Willow shook her head. "Haven't met too many of Angel's new friends. Probably heard mention of him though. So you met him I take it?"
Tara: *nods* appearently he can read people when they sing or something like that well he read me and immediately offered me a job. He said I had a great voice and he thanked me for not giving him a headache
Willow: Willow grinned. "That's cool. That's a reading I'd never be able to have done. I'd probably put him in a coma or something..."
Tara: *laughs softly her first time laughing since being back*
Willow: Willow's grin widened. She had missed the sound of Tara's laugh. "So you've got a job and your own space, what's next?"
Tara: *smiles at Willows smile and sits on the bed other bed across from her* There is only one other thing I want although I'm not sure I can have it
Willow: Willow's smile faded slightly. "Tara..."
Tara: *looks at the floor and says softly* I know...
Willow: "It's not that I don't want..." Willow jumped in quickly. "It's just takes some getting used being back and everything. And even though things are over between me and Kennedy...there's still that too..." She looked apologetic.
Tara: I know the things I said when we got back together right before I died apply now but even more so
Willow: Willow gave a sad smile. "Yeah...because we're definitely not the same people we were...I's been a while and we've been in very different places...doing very different things..."
Tara: *nods* yeah very different places
Tara: and it has been a while but that doesn't mean I love you any less
Willow: Willow's smile stretched a little. "I know. Same here. I never's just that things are so different now's all a bit of a shock, ya know?"
Tara: *nods* I do know it's very different being here then there
Willow: "Do you miss it?" Willow inquired. "I mean, I know I miss Sunnydale, and that was certainly no Heaven..." she added lightly.
Tara: *nods* a little but I wasn't really happy there I couldn't be happy there
Willow: Willow gave a quiet nod, looking down a bit, her hair falling in front of her face. "Tara...after hearing about everything that happened, how could you still love me enough to give up something like Heaven to be here? I mean, I didn't listen about the magick, and...I did a lot of harm after you left. People died. I's Heaven..." She gave a sad half smile. "I mean, not even Buffy just leaves it willingly...."
Tara: I wasn't complete when I sang you make me complete I meant it I gave you a part of my soul. and I love you more than anything I can't help who I love. you could have killed me and I would still love you *tears up*
Willow: Willow bit her lip. "No, no...don't do that...please don't cry Tara..." Willow slid closer to her. "...I could never...not even at my worst..." she said, reaching up to wipe the streaks off Tara's cheek.
Tara: *looks at the floor fighting her urge to hugs you tightly* I know you couldn't Will I was saying that no matter what I will love you
Willow: Willow smiled lightly through her own tears. "I love you, too, Tara. I wish this were simpler..." she said, laying one hand over Tara's and giving it a brief squeeze.
Tara: *squeezes Willow's hand back then wipes away her tears* I wish it were simpler too
Willow: "For now, one day at a time and we'll see what happens..." She smiled a bit. "I should probably get going home. Got work in the morning, and promised to stop in and see how Kennedy's doing...someone put some spell on her, so she's been really sick..."
Tara: *looks shocked and worried* is she ok? is there anything I can do to help?
Willow: Willow shook her head slightly. "Giles has been keeping an eye on her, and Angel and his coworkers seem to have figured out the spell and the cure...she'll be okay, she's just a bit freaked out right now...about everything..." Willow grimaced a bit. "And I haven't been much help in that department lately..."
Tara: you should comfort her or at least try to and send my well wishes and blessings
Willow: "'s just been...messy and awkward lately and I've been worried about making it moreso..." Willow shrugged. "I just feel like no matter what I do or say, it'll be wrong somehow..."
Tara: *puts a comforting hand on her Shoulder* just do what you can *smiles softly* it's all you can do
Willow: Willow smiled slightly. "Yeah...I'll try." She placed her hand over the hand that rested on her shoulder. "...Thanks..." she smiled a bit wider. "I should probably get that sleep thing that I hear everyone rave about..."
Tara: *smiles* I've slept enough for a while but I suppose you should go *keeps her hand there not wanting Willow to leave*
Willow: "Yeah...should tomorrow and all..." she repeated, not really moving. "...and Kennedy to visit..." she continued.
Tara: *points to the bed* there is an extra bed here if you wanted to stay for a while
Willow: Willow glanced at the bed. It was tempting to stay. She was half afraid that is she left, Tara wouldn't be there when she got back. "I probably should really go back. Dawnie's back at the house and she and Buffy have been having some issues. You know how Dawnie can be...She wound up taking off to L.A. on a whim not too long ago..."
Tara: *nods* I understand *tries to keep her disappointment from showing on her face*
Willow: "Don't do'll make me feel all guilty and stuff..." Willow protested. "I'll be back to see you really soon, promise. And the house is always open to you. You're always welcome there."
Tara: I hope you come to see me again and I will think about coming by the house
Willow: "I will, really soon, promise." Willow smiled. "How could I not?"
Tara: *smiles and softly sings "Under Your Spell"*
Tara: *finishes the song and smiles slightly* I do hope to see you soon
Willow: Willow grinned and without giving it a thought, gave Tara a kiss on the cheek. "Come by the house and have dinner with us tomorrow night..."
Tara: *grins widely* I will I promise
Willow: "Great! Dinner's at seven!" she said as she turned to head out the door.
Tara: *follows Willow to the door* I'll be there I promise