(no subject)

Sep 26, 2006 02:49

alright, just because i feel like it, and i have plenty of time. today was a really good day (as stated in previous post) hung out at home for a bit, than went to the haunted house to continue help setting up the maze for this year. this year the powers that be (PTB) decided that they wanted the maze to be alien terror. so, they went and started making small changes, adding things etc etc to the maze. well, Scottish and i helped out last saturday for a little bit, and agreed to come back today, tommorrow and wendsday to continue helpiung out and setting things up. we ended up spending the begining part of the afternoon listeniong to the PTB's talk to the new recruits and than Scottish and i preceaded to be tour guides to the house and maze. after they all left, the PTBs and a few of us started getting things set up, we installed a few fog machines, and some lights, than everybody started to leave. the PTBs had things they needed to go and take care of, so they told Scottis and i that we could continue working in the maze if we wanted, and they'd leave it to us to lock everything up.

so, Scottish and i did some painting on the walls to add character and to help the person in the banana head suit to see, we installed some klaxon lights and foamy sealed the fuck out of a couple of props (the window in the final hall, and the dummies in the 2 pod rooms) after this, we had a bit of fun, walking the maze with the overhead lights out to see how the effect was. we think we got the final run perfect so that people will look away from were Banana boy is going to be and be silly scared cows, and follow the light (excelent)

alright, i think this is it for now, it's 3 in the morning, and i'm tired, plus another busy day tomorrow.

ciao to all you folk in cyber land.
Captain Tanis
Second Captain of the BRC Armada
Black Rock City Pirates
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