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Aug 16, 2008 23:31

NY film academy.I would have to work my ass of for a year to gather enough for tuition cause anything after 4 years of college is 100% on me. No help. So lets try to shoot for that uh 34 hundred? great. I have 6 days left. Hopefully I'll go to fat cats tomorrow and say goodbye to a lot of people. Well see. I also have to clean the office tomorrow. Ar'is leave tomorrow and I know my parents will be sad. I fell bad at times for leaving them. I'm excited for monday cause I will see knuckle tattoo boy. And right now Hes the source of happiness and I don't give a shit. I know its not gonna turn into anything cause how could it ya know? but at least I've got someone to think about at night for a while. Six days are you fuckin kidding me.Ya know what sucks the most though.. it definitely coming to that time of the month so I'm bitchy and emotional. and what better week to be that way then this week. Which means I'll be extra fuckin blubbery when I say by to my mom and ugh. i'm gonna go watch a movie.
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