Feb 12, 2005 21:00
wow this week totally sucked ass man it was fuckign horrible i got suspanded almost twice and and i went to another one of thouse meeting for that people to people shit and she came up to me and told me she didnt like the way i dressed and she wouldnt let me go on that trip the way i was dressed that bassically i have to look preppy and fuckign retarded i cant stand that well just one more week then i get vacation and i go away and spend time away from here god i cant stand it here but my bands been practiceing and thats awsome so thats kewl we got 2 concerts comeing up and my other band has 1 concert comeing up so thats pretty kickass im really tierd lately im watching starship troopers waiting on the notebook to download its supposed to be a good movie and i loved a walk to remeber so ive been looking forward to seeing this so thats pretty kickass my html teacher its so ironic how i was to stupid for microsoft intro and yet im to advanced for html lol o well thats pretty kewl mabe i will get to work on the school website and join the club that desines the schools website my art teacher wants me to go into ap art senior year which would be really kewl so next year i think im gonna take painting and drawing and im takeing 2 quarters of art this year so that should be really kewl i love art i mean i dont think i will go into art but o well i really have a passion for music and like html stuff like that i love that kinda stuff well anyways im gonna stop typeing now its ironic how u like start and u dont know what to type about or write about and as u write more and more you find things to type about weird eh