Cordelia/Spike Pairing

Jun 06, 2015 18:04

Spike/Cordelia Pairing

Title: Illusions
Author: Leather Tuscadero
Rating: PG
Category: Romance
Warnings: language
Characters: Angel, Cordelia, Spike
Pairing: Cordelia/Spike
Summary: Spike leaves behind his life in Sunnydale.

Title: Ice
Author: Countess Marsters
Rating: PG
Category: Romance, Songfic
Characters: Cordelia, Spike
Pairing: Cordelia/Spike
Summary: Cordelia thinks she sees someone special at the Bronze. Guess who?

Title: Sweet Catastrophe
Author: hold_that_thought
Rating: R
Category: Alternate Universe, Character Study, Crossover, Drama, Horror
Warnings: het, slash, language, multiple partners
Characters: Cordelia, Lilah, Spike
Pairing: Cordelia/Lilah, Cordelia/Spike, Lilah/Other, Spike/Other
Summary: Spike can't remember a time when he wasn't cold and reckons there's not a soul on Earth who can either. (Spike/Lilah/Cordelia)

Title: Things Change, If We Make Them
Author: Hieiko
Show: Angel, Buffy
Rating: PG-13
Category: Alternate Universe, Futurefic, Humor, Romance
Warnings: het, language
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Faith, Fred, Gunn, Spike, Wesley
Pairing: Angel/Buffy, Buffy/Spike, Cordelia/Spike, Faith/Gunn, Fred/Wesley
Summary: Spike gets his soul back. Angel becomes human. Cordy returns from a state of Higher Being. Buffy gets over her death wish. What else can change?

Title: Reclamation
Author: Jennifer-Oksana
Rating: PG-13
Category: Character Study, Futurefic
Warnings: het, slash
Characters: Angel, Cordelia, Lilah, Spike, Wesley
Pairing: Cordelia/Spike, Fred/Willow, Lilah/Wes
Summary: Cordelia and the way things are nowadays.

Title: Until Forever Series: Book One: The Blue Marphius
Author: Meghan
Rating: NC-17
Category: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Episode Related, First Time, Romance, Series
Warnings: het, language , Cordelia bashing, Spike Bashing
Characters: Angel, Buffy
Pairing: Angel/Buffy, Angelus/Buffy, Anya/Xander, Cordelia/Spike, Fred/Gunn, Oz/Willow, Riley/Other, Tara/Other, M/F
Summary: Angel gets a verbal beating by the PTB, and goes back to Sunnyhell and Buffy, bringing the gang. Glory Wanna be has been left behind to cause an apocalypse involving the Pre-Ordained One. Post Buffy death. I have yet to read this series because I'm not a fan of Angel/Buffy.

Title: Until Forever Series: Book Two: Lay a Whisper
Author: Meghan
Rating: NC-17
Category: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Episode Related, Romance, Series
Warnings: language, violence, bloodplay
Characters: Angel, Buffy
Pairing: Angel/Buffy, Anya/Xander, Cordelia/Spike, Fred/Gunn, Oz/Willow, Riley/Other, Tara/Other, M/F
Summary: Dimension Traveling and Time Hopping with a plot. eventually.
Sequel to: Until Forever Series: Book One: The Blue Marphius

Title: The Infinite Benifite of Open-Mindedness
Author: FemailoftheSpecies
Rating: NC-17
Category: Episode Related, Alternate Universe, Romance
Warning: het, vampire Cordy, mention of violence
Characters: Spike, Cordelia
Pairing: Spike/Cordelia
Summary: After Lover’s Walk Spike wants something else

fandom: angel, fanfic list, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, pairing: spike/cordelia

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