Dec 05, 2004 20:32
is it just me, or is that new song by the offspring called "self esteem" a total copy of smells like teen spirit? in the beginning, its like the same song. it seems like a lot of bands have been copying nirvana lately.
so um i had such a busy weekend. on saturday i was working most of the day for this drive that rachel and her mom started for the soldiers in iraq. we collected money and food and stuff for them outside of frys and its amazing how everyone either was very willing to help and donated tons of stuff, or who looked at us like we were crazy and said they didnt want to help. i cant believe that cuz even if you dont support the war, you can at least donate one dollar or some food to people who are risking their lives and fighting every day for you. then today i did 5 hours of homework and studying (im not exaggerating) and then did some holiday shopping. and ali said the funniest thing today. that jesse mcartney song came on in the car and shes like "he doesnt want a beautiful soul, all he wants is a hot girl!" you probably had to be there but it was so funny and true.
and i think im starting to hate finals almost as much as i hate lindsay lohan.