May 26, 2009 21:54
last week i found an application for my ipod touch that allows me to post to my LJ. i started a post while in bed, but passed out before i could put it up : / the draft couldn't be recovered either. oh wells. here's what i remembered of the past few days :p
thursday 21st - i went downtown to ryerson for my appointment with the student affairs officer at 11 and sorted things out. in a nutshell, i need to get into york lol. plans to reach the beach got cancelled so i walked over to urban outfitters and shopped around while talking to emilie on the phone. after spending over an hour in that store i walked out with a pair of sunglasses for ten bucks. made my way to bethune and picked up my transcript from guidance. then i sat around and talked to jitesh, mawhinney, jasmine, tyler, and harold. walked home in the 30degree heat after the bell rang and chilled outside the rest of the day. tony let me drive to markville in the evening so he could pick up a pair of rollerblades. haha my back-in parking was terrrrrible, but it was eventually fixed. talked to christine and marvin a bit in store before driving homeee.
friday 22nd - emily called me up and we went out to sushi on 7 for dinner. jeffery came along too : ) em promised jeffery three books from chapters, so we made our way there after dinner. browsed around and picked out a couple of books. gordon came by and walked around with us for a bit before leaving for home pshh. we stayed in the store until we had to leave for closing :p i bought choke by chuck palahniuk, lullabies for little criminals by heather o'neill, and i love you, beth cooper by larry doyle for less than $40 : ) i've yet to read any of them as i'm waiting for another lazy day to go kick back and read under the sun. danny called me while he and calvin were walking around the neighbourhood and tried getting me to go out for drinks at nick's. at the time i would've been leaving my dad home alone, so i decided not to join them :p
saturday 23rd - i went to markville early before my shift to shop around the mall and try picking up some flip flops from work, but it turns out that our store sold out on them within half an hour of opening : ( i made a few returns at a bunch of stores and then splurged at ae on a pair of cropped jeans and a braided belt. holy shit $40 for a bloody belt. needless to say i returned that and the jeans the next day. i worked on cash and hated every minute of it. all of the customers that came up to my register were rude and just wanted their purchases rung through quickly so they could leave. we had to wear our canada day t-shirts as well. kinda useless since canada day is over a month away. it was 20x the points at shoppers that day so i stocked up on stuff during my break. after work, tony, cynthia, and i went over to lesa's for her 30th birthday party : ) i played with her friend's kids, some video games and went through some karaoke songs with cynthia. oh and we had wicked ice cream cake :D
sunday 24th - i spent the morning with the family moving furniture and stuff back into the office. it looks so nice with the crown moulding and new paint and floors : ) at work all i did was fold the mountain of clothes back in the fitting rooms omg. maegan, deidre, hiba, mary, and i were all in there picking at the pile trying to get it all processed before the store closed. we had a ton of people working cause of the mandatory staff meeting that followed closing. we broke into groups and went through a new orientation that the company created. it was pretty jokes. we had activities and skits to perform which our group had wayyy too much fun with. jeff and lesa picked me up from work and dropped me off at bp for weining's surprise bday dinner. someone brought a huge bottle of grey goose and everyone went over to peter's to kill it. i already had a headache, so i went home instead : ( maybe next time lol
monday 25th - my shift got extended since maribeth called in sick. got my roomed cleaned up a bit before having to head out for work. we were horribly understaffed. only john, jen, and i were closing the store. i was placed in fitting rooms, jen was alone on cash, and john had the entire sales floor to cover. lol the store was trashed when we left :p felt bad for the people opening in the morning (chevonne and chris) oh wells.
TODAYYY i spent the day priming and painting the railing posts for our stairs. my roots sweats are now covered in paint on the knees and the bum has saw dust all over it : ( luckily i didn't get any paint on my jacket, or i'd cry (so would mom haha). kent was gonna take me out for batting practice for the upcoming tournament, but we cancelled since most of the team couldn't make it. jeff and lesa came by to take me out to drive instead. lol they somewhat had a disagreement on how to parallel park while i was doing it. so i sat there with the car on an angle to the road, waiting for advice, when a commercial truck came behind us haha. drove lesa home before jeff let me to go the parking lot outside rona and practice parking. got some decent back/front-in parks considering it was dark and raining. the test is next week.. hopefully i pass !
old navy