Hello Andrea. Hello Everyone else.

Apr 29, 2004 19:57

Got this from Andrea's journal. Saw it on everyone else's, thought, well hey, why don't I do that? And so, yeah, here it is.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions. No more, no less.

Ask me anything you want!

Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

Okay so anyway, I havent updated in like what, 2 or 3 days?
Whatever. So I just added a bunch of people to my friends list. Yippy. Now you can all see my horror story that Andrea got mad at me for. Heh.

I'll do that after I do this. I'm so happy. Yay!

Um....theres a show I want to go to at the Downtown, Cave-In, but it's on Mother's Day. So I dont think I'll be going. Shoot, darn that.

Is this more of a journal you're used to now Andrea?
See I'm making references to you. Arent you happy?

Mrs. Bruno my Biology teacher raised my grade to a 70 from a 65! Yes! She's giving me half credit on two questions cuz i went to extra help today for my makeup tomorrow, and she's giving me the extra points! Yes, for me.

Denine embarrassed me once again with some random guy. Thanks.
Today was the Breakathon. The Breakdancing competition at school for Key Club. It was alright. I bought a tshirt there, which i'm wearing tomorrow in school. Who's cool now? HMM?

So it seems everyone likes my survey questions thing. Thanks guys. Heh.

I made Gerry happy today!!! He just came back from Kate's grave, and I made him smile. I dont know about happy. I dont think I make him that happy. I wish I could.I hate when he feels like crap. And thats pretty much all the time. Eh.
Here's the convo.:

StacEy: are you still starving?
Gerry: very much so
Stacey: ): aww
Gerry: so im gonna go get burger king, come home, watch some seinfeld and some tv then i'll be back
Stacey: why wait a few minutes when you can be eating this very moment?
Stacey: okay
Gerry: exactly
Stacey: heh
Gerry: hahah cuz i wanted to talk to you
Stacey: awww
Stacey: yay
Gerry: :-)you made me smile
Stacey: muchos gracias
Stacey: i made you smile?
Stacey: when
Stacey: and why
Gerry: right now
Gerry: cuz you said yay
Stacey: oh
Stacey: hehe
Gerry: :-)
Stacey: silly goose, ofcoarse ill say yay

Heh. May not be a big deal to you people, but it made me happy.

Oh geez. I forgot to set my alarm clock for this morning, and then at like 6:20 my mom came down and was like your not taking a shower right? and i was like aaaaaagghhhh nooo, so i didnt take a shower cuz there would have not been any time at all. Oh well. So i went to school with sortof oily hair, and now my hair is so gross. But i guess its kind of relieving to not take a shower. Heh. I've done it two times this week. And I'm not dirty. Hey lets all not take showers!! The new revolution of dirty but not so dirty kids.

I keep changing the appearance thing on my computer, and Kristen doesnt like it. Hah.

Hmm..I should probably practice some guitar.
Pearly pick!!! Yay!!

Wow. It's already 8:13pm. This week went pretty darn fast.
I thought it was Friday every single day. And i wanted to leave school early every single day. But i had to stay for Sam 9th period. Oh well.
I had this muchos delicious chicken parmesan sandwich for lunch today. And Chocolate milk! Yummmmm
Andrea wanted to eat it, and she was threatening to take me off her Friend's list in this. Grrrr. I luuuuuuuuv you.

Me and Sarah had a good time here.
Stacey=Barnyard sex addict

Oh the possibilities...

Welll welllllll welllllll. My dad made potato salad today for dinner, it was good, for his deli. My Grandma is getting her surgery on May 19th. Its a four hour surgery. She has to have aplastic tube stuck down her throat for a few days after it and during the surgery. My mom is really scared. Oh by the way, my grandma is getting surgery for Kidney cancer.

Gerry has used 2500 free minutes this month, um most on me. Hehe. Dont I feel special.

To sam, I am an earthworm and a Butterfly.
To me, sam is a rat and a Swan.

Aurevoi everyone.
I be back later, G.
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