Mar 08, 2005 23:59
today was um... boring? yea.. definitely.. first hr um some stupid lecture then wats new like 67868970 assignments yay... not.... so um 2nd hr our class wouldnt shut up so guess what pop quiz and i got a 25% shit im dead gotta get an A on the next quiz.. hah like thats gonna happen... 3rd hour we had a test.. for personal fitness then we graded a bunch of work for the teacher.. joy. um.. 4th hour we had a test i really dont know how i did then we worked on our presentations ours is kinda gay so anyways then went to practice and our coach didnt come today. bkbkbnlingsgnlnk so we had to practice with coach bill ahh what an asshole and everyone was kinda being bitchy today.. lets just say it was.. interesting? hah so then um came home did nothing watched tv and stuff and i am attempting to do hw now.. keyword there is attempting lol well yea its kinda late i guess i should probably go and get some stuff done now.. my dad is such a retard he is meowing at my cat to see if he will respond hah loser lol
im out. k bye.