Apr 24, 2005 13:19
Have You Ever:
kissed your cousin: no
ran away: no
broken someone's heart: hope not, but maybe
cried when someone died: yes
broken a bone: yeah my arm
lied: yes
cried in school: yes
Which Is Better:
coke or pepsi: i always thought coke cause its the original stuff, but i is likin pepsi more an more
sprite or 7up: hmmm...... sprite? the 7up guy was always cool as tho
girls or guys: well i dont fancy a guys cock up my arse, and women are so damn hot (well mostly) so girls 'tis
flowers or candy: Flowers
scruff or clean shaven: clean shaven deff girls with beards jus dont work
quiet or loud: both!!
blondes or brunettes: i tend towards brunettes mostly but i also like blondes....
tall or short: any one shorter than me, but that is a rather large demographic
pants or shorts: hey if its comfortable then i dont care kilts are cool, but wear underwear, no nasty surprises please
What Is:
your good luck charm: hannah, whenever im with her things go alright
the best thing that has happened to you today: spoke to hannah on the phone
color: Black (i know its a non colour) reds cool too
movie: hmmm..... The butterfly effect
book: the da vinci code
subject in school: school sucks media tho i guess
cars: mustang 1975, porche GT, Vw vans, Beetles
ice cream: Ben and Jerry's choc chip cookie
holiday: Summer
season: Autum
breakfast food: bacon rolls
music to listen to: MCR, Free, blues, jazz, erm whatever as long as its actually being played by an instrument and not a computer
Do You Ever:
sit by the phone waiting for someone to call?: if i do im usually doing something else too
save internet conversations: no
save emails: If theyre important
wish you were someone else: i kinda wish i was a really hot, intellectual, popular and not so screwed in the head
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: mmm nah i dont fancy gettin off with a boy
cried because of someone's mean words: not recently
Do You:
color your hair: yes
have piercings: no (i will shortly tho)
have a boyfriend/girlfriend: indeedy
own a webcam: kinda, i have one on my camcorder
ever get off the computer: yes
sprechen sie deutsche: do i speak austrailian? of course g'day mate an the lark
habla espanol: do i speak austrailian? of course g'day mate an the lark
quack: pardon you, wasnt you, it was your food right?
Have You/Do You/Are You:
smoke: no
schizophrenic: no but i think the voices in my head are
obsessive: dont think so
compulsive: maybe
obsessive compulsive: thats more like it
panic: All the time
anxiety: yup
suicidial: i have bad thoughts
obsessed with hate: meh
dream of mutliated bodies: yeah
if you could be anywhere, where would you be?: with hannah
can you do anything freakish with your body: yeah, everything i do is freakish
what facial feature do you find the most attractive: eyes
would you vote for a woman candidate for president: yes... if i were an american
would you marry for money: nope, maybe money would help but if she could bring me happines and a feeling of security, then im good
have you had braces: yeah
do you pluck your eyebrows: no, i could do with it tho i suppose
do you like hairy backs: woman + excessive body hair= yeti= turn off
could you live without a computer: dunno, its hard enough tryin to pass these exams with one
do you use ICQ, AOL,MSN Buddy list, etc... : MSN
if so, how many people are on your lists: 60 odd
if you could live in any past time period, which would it be? from 1968 till 1972, if i died after then id be happy
do you drink enough water: i guess
do you wear shoes in the house or take them off: take them off
what is your favorite fruit: mango or melon or kiwi
do you eat wheat bread or white: both
are you photogenic: my arse (it isnt, it was a retort)
do you dream in color or black and white: dream in colour, more realistic
are you wearing fingernail polish: i was half an hour ago
do you have any dimples: yeah tons, anyone want some?
do you remember being born: about as much as i remember viet nam so yes all of it
why do you take survey's: why do you?
do you drink alcohol: yes, of course i do
what is the best accent: Pygmi
do you like sunrises or sunsets the most: Sunsets
do you want to live to be 100?: i want to live until i no longer have the hunger or desire to continue
are you loyal: Never reallycontemplated it but i guess i am to those that mean something to me
are you tolerant of other people's beliefs: i suppose, i dont consider myself oppressive
when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? Lights off, far more mood setting
do you have nightmares frequently: yeah i do, sometimes i wonder if i am actually living a nightmare
do you like your nose: No its really square and shiny
do you think you can draw well: not at all, i like some of the things i draw, but theyre always flawed
at what age did you find out Santa Claus wasn't real?: year 5 i guess
how many pairs of shoes are in your closet?: i dont have a closet
do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like variety? yeah i tend to stick to two pairs
do you write poetry: yeah, im so sad
do you snore: i have been told
do you sleep more on your back, front or side?: side
cat/dog?: i used to think cats but hannahs dog is so awesome, i have to get myself one
do you lick stamps: theyre self adheisive now
do you use an electric can opener? nope manual, so old school
Have you ridden in a hot air balloon: no but i dont want to after seeing enduring love
which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain: Emotional, in my experience anywho
favorite TV show: that 70's show
do you know anyone who is clinically depressed: Yes, i guess i am too
do you prefer a piano or violin: piano
do you know someone who has cancer? I did but they're gone now with the angels
do you like to argue: not really, to much head stress
do you hunt: only of the sexual kind (hehehehe)
do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants: i go to mcd's but i do like a good posh nosh
would you rather vist a zoo or an art musuem: hmm both i guess
do you have a middle name?: James
are you basically a happy person: I dont think so (only under certain curcumstances)
are you tired?: nope
did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: am at the mo (good ol tea)
how many phones do you have in your house: do i have to count?!
how long is your hair: Short, had it cut yeaterday, tis yucky
do you get along with your parents? yeah theyre more like friends nowadays tho, the bestest friends
what color of eyes do you prefer: hmm ble, brown and green (no order)