last cigarette:a few weeks ago
last car ride:Like an hour ago
last kiss:today <3
last good cry:Two days ago
last library book checked out:Ordinary People
last movie seen: Hmmm.. Van Wilders Dorm Daze like 3 weeks ago
last book read: A house on Mango street or something like that
last cuss word uttered:Don't know, don't curse, so don't really care!
last beverage drank: I'm drink water right now
last food consumed: gumm...
last phone call:Valeen
last tv show watched: Just watched the end of the OC
last time showered: Last night
last shoes worn: Candie flip-flops
last cd played: The Used
last item bought: Soda today
last annoyance: Christina being gay &trying to type on the computer &messing me up! UHH!
last disappointment: IDK
last soda drank: Diet Coke
last thing written: Homework
last words spoken: uhmmm exuse me..
last sleep: i wokeup at 6
last im:amanda
last weird encounter: some guy I didnt know peddeled off my roof yesterday on a tricycle and fractured his hip and broke both his legs.. & his tooth.. weird stuff... im telling ya... this kind of stuff always happens to me.
last ice cream eaten:I dont remember
last time amused: Right now Christina is making me laugh
last time wanting to die: Never
last time in love: Right Now!
last time scolded: Hmmmm.. don't know?
last chair sat in: the one im in..
last underwear worn: uhhh... the ones im wearing now!
last shirt worn: white jacket..white shirt and grey undershirt
last time dancing: Homecoming..
last poster looked at: Less than Jake one in Jacob's room
last webpage visited: Photobucket
Christina is Love