(no subject)

May 13, 2012 21:24

What a rough day Mother's day is for me. I feel so bad for everyone because it is kind of a lose-lose situation for them. If they say Happy Mother's Day...I get very sad. I miss my babies. How can it be happy when my babies aren't here with me? I don't get the home made gifts or cards or anything like that. I don't get to see there big smiles or feel there big hugs.

If they don't say Happy Mother's day...I'm extremely hurt and offended. How dare you not acknowledge that I am a mother! I have 2 children. 2 beautiful angel babies who live in heaven. They watch over there mommy and daddy every day. My husband and I created them the same as you. I carried them the same as you. I delivered them the same as you. So because my babies didn't have the chance to take a breathe on this earth, they don't count?

I never know how to handle it. I don't say anything to anyone. I just try to be nice. I miss my babies more than anything. They should be here with me. Instead, I feel them in my heart. I feel them with the wind. I feel them when I see certain things...and I just know that they are doing this for me. I love them and I love the things they do to let me know that they are here all around me. But I miss them. My Benjamin and Dominick<3 <3 They should be here with me.

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