Feb 12, 2013 18:40

Oh hey, I haven't actually posted in like forever, have I? I'm still alive guys, I promise. Though I've sort of... given up on keeping track of LiveJournal... ahaha.

Anyway! That's not what I'm here for. I'm sure most people are familiar with tf-valentine, the thing we do on Valentine's Day that's totally awesome and that I was really looking forward to and that... seems to have been abandoned. So! I MADE A NEW ONE.

And this one is on both LiveJournal AND DreamWidth! Valentines for both places! Go check it out! Spread the word! Submit a little love for your robot-loving friends! <3

Maybe someday I will do an update journal. Someday... /cough /dashes away

EDIT: OMG, lookit!
evelynjva made a banner!!

LJ || DW
Spread a little love.

Crossposted from riddian.

i'm still alive

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