Apr 11, 2005 20:35
psssh..whatever..man life just plain sux right now.. one of my great friends is having a party and i cant freakin go to it cuz i have a stupid EFFN soccer game on SATURDAY!! i mean come on! i have a life.. and then my church youth group i am in is having a movie day..and just GUESS WHAT
i cant effn go cuz i have a damn game on saturday and my coach cant find a freakin goalie becuz i am suppobly the best goalie..WHO GIVES A DAMN!!! i have a life and i can never do anything cuz i am always having to do soccer.. soccer this soccer that! that is all that there is...always practicing always streaching always taking medicence becuz i am in to much to play so i have to take meds! isnt that great, playing when ur hurt..i mean come on!!!I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!