Jun 09, 2005 17:38

i have been trying, for the past 5 hours, to get this tickets for Rock the Bay concert. I AM GETTING SO MAD BECAUSE
1: the phones are to busy
2: it is busy
3: the phone is disconnected?<---weird

so for the past hours i have been listening two stations and trying to win those friggin tickets
ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh >.< AND UGH!!!
ok well have a good evening.

today i got an MRI. it was so boring cuz i had to stay still for 20 minutes and like my foot would itch and i would be like....Uh can somebody scratch my foor. not for real. (Ah, finally they play some good music but i have heard this song 4 FRIGGIN TIMES!!!!)<---i am listening to music*still* (sry)
and then i did some stuff with my mom and blah blah blah..

well i am gana keep on trying for those darn tickets. love yall
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