This week I felt like a Robot.
I sat at my computer and began the work at 6 am all week long
Pausing just long enough to eat
6am to 10pm every day
My fault for taking on more projects then I have hours in the day
For better or worse it should get better in the next month
Dinner with Dave and Blake at Six Arms was the break from work I needed
I don't remember why but we got a few good laughs talking about this book
Freaked out by Boys talking to me in Elevators....Can't we just ride the Elevator in awkward silence.
Matt and I bought tickets to Stars and Final Fantasy which will both be coming to Seattle in October and November
I highly recommend to everyone in Seattle to check out Final Fantasy (Owen Pallet)
One of my favorite musicians
Oct 22, 2007 8:00 PM (Monday)
Nectar Lounge
412 N 36th Street
Seattle, Washington 98103
TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE If you plan on going, join the FF Seattle Facebook group Here is some of his music
Owen covering Arcade Fire - No Cars Go
Click to view
Final Fantasy - He Poos Clouds
Click to view