Oct 01, 2009 20:12

'Today, my teacher saw me texting under the desk and grabbed my phone. She didnt grab my penis. MLIA.'

'Today, I went to the mall with my friend. We saw a guy who looked like Ron Weasley. We both screamed "Ron Weasley" to see if he turned around. He looked over at us and said "Yes?" We were so excited. Then he asked the cashier how much his shirt cost. They said it cost 49 dollars. He then screamed in a fake british accent "BLOODY HELL!!" Then he looked over at us and winked. It was the best thing that ever happened to us. MLIA.'

'Today was the first day of the new school year. As I was taking attendance and reading down the list, I realized that one of my students was named Thomas Marvin Riddle. When the time came to call him, I instead called, "He Who Must Not Be Named?" He said here, and I became the "cool" teacher. MLIA'

'Today, I was late for my curfew. Instead of a grounding, I found a Hallmark card where you can record your own voice on my bed. When I opened it, it was my dad screaming. I was punished by a Howler. I need to be late more often. MLIA'

'Today, I came home to my mom scowling, my dad smirking, and my little sister grinning. Apparently, my sister got into a fight with a fellow 5th grader, saying that the Beatles pwned the Jonas Brothers. My sister and the girl argued until my sister tackled her while yelling, "I am the walrus! Goo goo g'joob!" I have never before felt like such a positive influence to my siblings. MLIA'

'Today, a new kid from England with glasses came onto our speech class, the teacher asked him to share something unique about him to the class. He pulled up his bangs to reveal a lighting bolt scar and claimed that he fell on a rock. Yeah right, Harry Potter. MLIA'

'Today, I was thinking about one MLIA that I had read, about someone naming their kid Mila after MLIA. I then started trying to make other names out of the four letters. Then I remembered my name is Liam. MLIA' <-- This one I find funny because Mila's my mother's nickname.

'Today for homework we had to combine two animals and descibe our creation. I combined a bee and a ostrich. I named it a beeotch. MLIA.'

'Today, I was watching Dora the Explorer. At the end of the episode, she asked what was our favorite part. I said 'The part when your boobs fell off'. Dora replied with "Yeah, I liked that too! They jiggled and jiggled and jiggled!". I laughed for about an hour. MLIA.'

'On the first day of school this year, my class was playing two truths and a lie. One kid said, "My favorite color is blue. I have a cat. I'm batman." He doesn't have a cat. MLIA'

'Today, a new kid from England with glasses came onto our speech class, the teacher asked him to share something unique about him to the class. He pulled up his bangs to reveal a lighting bolt scar and claimed that he fell on a rock. Yeah right, Harry Potter. MLIA'

'Today at my school, we had a lock down drill to prepare for any intruders. We had to lock the door and sit quietly in the corner for ten minutes. About half way through, the door bursts open and my principal dressed in a Darth Vader suit... shouts, "Fools, I have a spare key!" and runs out. It was the single most frightening yet thrilling experience of my life. MLIA'

'Today , I went to the new Harry Potter movie with a friend . At the part where Dumbledore died , a man close to the front row yelled "NO!" and ran out the emergency exit door . It made my day . MLIA .'

'A fortnight ago I finally solved my rubiks cube. I waited two weeks to post this so that I could use the word fortnight. MLIA'

'Today, I was sitting in my room and heard a little boy outside sneeze. I said bless you, and five seconds later, I heard a very hesitant...."God??." MLIA

disney, school, harry potter, music, mlia, accents

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