
Dec 07, 2008 00:50

So I suppose I'll give you an update on what happened Wednesday (and since then).  I'm sure you're eager to hear about it.  =P

So Wed. I had a date with my friend Jenn.  I hadn't seen her in a long time and I was looking forward to getting to spend some time with her.  That morning I had breakfast with Jessica and Justin and had a pretty good time, then went over to SF to pick Jenn up around 2ish.  We went to North Beach, had coffee, and wandered around.  We climbed to the top of Telegraph Hill (beautiful) and saw/heard the wild parrots there.  The sun was awesome nekst to Coit Tower and we decided to try to catch the sunset at Ocean Beach.  It was a trek, but when we got there it was all cloudy and you couldn't even tell where the ocean ended and the sky began.  Not much for a sunset, but still rather neat on its own.  We were up on where the battlements were and by the old bathhouses so we went down to the Cliffhouse and had a couple drinks.  Really beautiful place with a lot of history.  After that she had to go work on her resume some so I drove her to her friend's house on Twin Peaks.  OMG I had no idea the view of the city was soooo amazing from up there at night.  It was a clear night and you could see ALL of SF.  It was so incredible my legs went numb when I first saw it.

So after I dropped Jenn off I cruised over to my friend Rob's place cause he invited me to go eat sushi with them.  We went to this dive bar called Knock's (I think) and they had this sushi place doing a special night there where we had some awesome sushi and cold unfiltered sake and Kirin.  YUM.  From there we headed out and eventually made our way to Il Pirata for some psytrance.  Jenn was there along with some other friends I hadn't seen in a while, and I got to see Ivelina for the first time in many months.  It was really good to catch up.

Then out of nowhere my friend Tonya says "I want to go see strippers (girls).  You should come with me."  Crazy girl.  =P  I said sure and her and Casey and I go to some club and proceed to have a great time.  She was droppin bills and buyin drinks and finally we head home.  Swing by a taqueria on the way back to my car and then I head home.  Pure amazing.  Best way I can imagine to have spent a day in SF.

I'm currently moving into my new pimp pad (AWESOMENESS) and should be there this week.  I really love my friends at my school and we hang out pretty regularly.  I'm starting a studio maintanance class at school where we learn how to make our own cable and build circuits.  I'm so going to love this class.  I'm going to be driving down to SoCal for christmas time this year so I'll be able to see all my friends down there.

Anksiety can be annoying sometimes.  I'm glad I have so much good stuff going for me right now, and I'm looking forward to getting into a nice, stable groove.

OH YEAH!  I did my radio show last night and it went off fantastically.  I'm looking forward to doing more great shows.  =)  I just need to get more music.  If you feel like tuning in, you can listen at http://exradio.expression.edu/exradio.m3u every Friday night at 9pm Pacific.  WHEEE!
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