(no subject)

Jan 04, 2005 22:18

So here we are, in the wake of the tsunami, and the world is uniting to help out the victims of this natural disaster, many of them now parentless children. George Bush has created a bi-partisan team made up of Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush to look over the relief efforts, and it is nice to see Democrats and Republicans working together so shortly after the close election.

But despite all of the uniting going on, the far-right people such as Sean Hannity are continuing to spread dirt on liberals. On today's episode of Fox New's "Hannity & Colmes", Hannity had a guest, Mona Charen, who has a new book that Sean is quite fond of, "Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim To Help--And The Rest Of Us".

Does that sound a bit...partisan to you?

Sean and Mona began to blast Hollywood liberals for "being able to raise alot of money for John Kerry, but they can't seem to give their money to the victims." Alan Colmes and the other liberal guest began to list several Hollywood and music stars who donated alot of money for this cause. Sandra Bullock donated $1 million of her own personal fortune to thr Red Cross!

Next thing you know, Mona Charen is complaining how liberals hurt the world even more by donating money to needy third-world countries because the money apparently goes to "corrupt governments who buy missles instead of buying food for their people" most of the time.

Sure thing, Mona. I'd like to think that the USA intelligence could tell us whether or not the governments we donate to are corrupt or not.

Another thing this made me think of: Would you be more proud to say your home country spends more money on wars that were caused by lies, or helping out people in need, much like the victims of the tsunami?

So how about that Alberto Gonzales? Bush wants to appoint him Attorney General, yet the man believes torturing prisoners is the right way to treat them, and that Abu Gharib was no big deal. He wrote memos to the POTUS telling him that torture does not include treating prisoners inhumanely, among other things. Mr. Gonzales also thinks that the President should have all the power he wants.

I don't know about you, but I don't want a King George running America, I'd rather have President Kerry.


Oh well, the GOP did another astounding job is covering up the voting irregularities in Ohio, just like they did in Florida in 2000. As a matter of fact, Bush is telling the Ohio Supreme Court Cheif Tom Moyer to throw away the claims of voting fraud against the GOP in 2004.


Do we really want people like this running our nation?

Let's hope the Democrats can filibuster this one to death and Alberto will step out of his nomination.

In other news, do you remember Bush's promises pre-election that he would not privatize Social Security? Remember Sean Hannity calling the Democratic Party disgraceful for "scaring voters into believing that there will be a 'January Suprise'?"

Guess what, people? One of Bush's major plans for the future is Social Security reform. If you watch his upcoming State of the Union Address, you'll probably hear about it.

I'll agree with the New York Times editorial page on this issue: Social Security needs to be strengthend, not privatized.


More to come soon.
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